The Long Night


The Long Night

With the conclusion of the Great Jedi War and since the upcoming holidays will be my busiest time of the year by far, it appears that it is time for me to join the darkness and disappear into the shadows.

I imagine that some have been dreaming of this day while others have been dreading it. Nevertheless, I must go for the good of the Dark Brotherhood. It is my sincerest hope that Jac will be able to usher this proud organisation into a new era of prosperity.

There is no way I can properly thank and honor all the people who have helped the Dark Brotherhood be what it is today. I would easily fill volumes. I will speak with several people privately and give them my appreciation in my own way.

To me the most important aspect of this organisation is our desire for friendship and freedom. Never, ever let a tyrant achieve any position of importance as it is the first step in a long slide towards the nightmare we escaped from. I had always hoped to see some kind of way for the general membership to be able to remove a bad Grand Master, but unfortunately, I am unable to deal with this now. I trust that others will finish this task and prevent any future tragedy.


Sorry to see you leave FF. I hope you'll still hang out in the chan's. GL in the future, I know I'll still IM you from time to time. :-)

P.S. Chal can still out fly the Avenger. ;-P

Farewell Firefox. Good luck in the future.

Now...let us see what beholds us tomorrow morning

Firefox, I worked with you since you first recived SHW back under Thedek ruleship and it sadness me to see you go. I hope to see you back soon. Good luck on everything and I hope to catch ya every now and then on AIM like the old times.


You have given so much to this club... theres nothing thatI can say or do to truly thank you for all the effort and work you put into the DB. I remember my first experiences with you when you were serving under Nighthawk in Arcona. Since then, you have done nothing but impress me. More than anyone else, you were an incredible stabilizing factor, leading the DB through the dangerous twists and turns of the split and the following months, maintaining the presence and leadership as GM necessary to hold this club together with the wide variety of competing egos at work.


Fox I am truily saddened by your departure. You were such an intermental part of this clubs salvation, that I really never imagined it without you on the Iron Throne. Good Luck in the future. I sorta now know what the Imperials felt like when they lost the Emperor....sorta stunned and uncertain what to do next. You will be missed.


...stupid me... posted it accidentally. :P Now, to continue...

I know the DB is in good hands with Jac, but you'll be missed all the same. No one can replace what you've given to the DB. I am sure we will still come to you, as time permits, for help and advice. In the twisting landscape that these internet clubs inhabit, someone with your vision and experience can be of great help.

Beyond the DB... I hope that your hectic schedule clears up enough for you to drop in and hang out with us once in a while. You'll be sorely missed, and I fully expect to bug you frequently. :P I also look forward to trying out WoW with you. :)

I'm sort of at a loss for words. I've got more to say, but a lot of it is a bit personal. But what I can say is thank you... for all the work on the DB, and for being a great friend.


While I cannot claim the more personal relationship with you that some others here obviously have FF, I still would like to express my graditude. You have lead the DB through the hardest point in its history, and you did so with style. You saved the Brotherhood from what certainly would have been a slow and agonizing death and instead turned it into the thriving club it is today. I know some people are quick to judge and complain about what they cannot see, but I can assure you all that FF has always worked very hard to better the DB. You have always been very helpful and kind when we have talked, and I thank you for that.

Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you have put into our club FF, you've given us all a place where we can have fun and enjoy ourselves. I wish you luck with your future endevors

I really hate to see you leave, FF.

You have been a great grandmaster and I hope you will stop by now and then.

Good luck.


FF. I remember back in the TIE Corps when we first met. We never served together, but we shared a common past. What else can I say but "SSD Avenger" dude. She was yours, she was mine, she was ours, and oh how it was glorious to fight for the Brotherhood against those faithless imperials. The Avenger was the greatest of them all, buddy. ;)

Since then we had a lot of ups and downs. If anything, I must have been the most annoying, pushy QUA you ever met. But, eventually we got along, and we formed a rather strong trusting relationship all the way through 2002-2003. I think that was really important especially when the split came around. Everyone involved supported each other especially during the worst of Ast :P, and when the tyrant pulled the rope, we held together strong. Your leadership and guidance made what you see around you possible to this day. The Brotherhood has not died. The Brotherhood has not faded. We have held strong, followed our vision, and fulfilled our mission.

To the DB:
I do not believe, as FF said, that the DB has failed in the process of succession. To me, the rite of succession is quite obvious at this point. For those of you who feel a desire to try a power grab and “apply for GM” or “apply for DGM” or some ridiculous notion like that, I can only question your motives and wonder if you are really looking for the welfare of this club or the advancement of your own ambitions. I think everyone needs to be a little patient. Don’t act impulsively. The DB is not in peril. lol

This is... unexpected, to say the least. Firefox, you've been a great leader- if you hadn't led the Brotherhood safely away from the EH, I wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't have found so many friends among the DB. Thank you for all the time and effort you spent trying to make this a better club.

Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Firefox, thanks for always sticking around and being a damn fine Grand Master. Regardless of what some people may say, I was extremely glad you were the one up in that spot during the rather...strange times this Brotherhood went through.

You successfully lead us through the split, which is what really solidified my utmost respect for you. You were a damn fine guy, and I was always glad to have you around, even if only as to act as final approval on new propositions and ideas...well, all of that and you were a damn fine resource for PC help questions. :P

I appreciate all that you've done for the Brotherhood, and wish you very well in future endeavors. Seriously, you take care my man. :)

Good luck in everything you do FF. And thanks for putting up with us so long :)

I salute the Aleksandr Kerensky of this age.

I sincerely hope you stick around, FF. This place wouldn't be the same without you. Just don't turn into a Chi #II... I don't think we could cope with two of them :P j/k

Seriously, thank you for getting us through the split intact. You'll be long remembered and always welcomed.

~ Alanna

Well FF... I've served under you in various ways... be they in the DB or in the TC back on the SSD Avenger. All I can possibly come to say now is dont be a total stranger. Thanks for all you've done.

makes manhug with Firefox

We had our troubles in the past, but in my opinion you've been exactly what the DB needed. Sorry to see you leave the position and hope you'll stick around to chat with us!

makes manhug with Firefox

We had our troubles in the past, but in my opinion you've been exactly what the DB needed. Sorry to see you leave the position and hope you'll stick around to chat with us!

FF, I do not know you at all, as a matter of fact, I have never ever spoken to you, or been in the chan when you have typed anything. Somehow, after reading everyone's goodbyes to such an awesome figurehead, I feel cheated because of it now.

Even though our paths never directly crossed, I see your greatness reflected in what this club is today. I joined after the split, so I fortunately never had to experience the opression in this club you all had to go through, and thanks to you, I probobly never will. I thank you for giving me a "second home". I found the DB while looking for information on Sith Ranks while I was on vacation in Massachussets, and have been here constantly since day one. I thank you Master Firefox, with all the respect I can muster. I wish you safe travels, and good luck in all that you do. I hope that oen day, I'll actually get the pleasure of speaking with you.

Vithril bows deep before turning to walk back onto the darkness.

Unexpected, at least for me. Stick around FF, would be kinda boring completely without you :o) Thanks for all your hard work.

What can I say that hasn't already been said? Much like Khan, Firefox was a staple in my DB life from the days of Thedek. Mav has very eloquently stated the value of FF's involvement with the DB, as I would have. Pyralis brings up a turbulent relationship, which FF and I have shared in the past.

For originality's sake I can say that with all the GM's I've served under, none have been quite as willing to accept change as Firefox. Whenever anything would come up as a proposal, he was more than willing to actually give it a chance - instead of the EHDB decision-making process of old where you'd get strung along and it'd be denied anyway (or worse yet the GM/DGM would take the idea for their own personal glory/Ronin Brownie Points). I'm not saying all GM's under the EH rule were that way... but these things happened enough that when it came to the patience and honesty of leaders like Firefox it was like a breath of fresh air.

I'm not the sort to say a whole lot, and, it's my impression that neither is FF. To me that's what really made him a great post-EH leader. He spoke when he needed to, said what needed to be said, and left the fluff for others. He worked in the background, building the support for our independence... and I think because he wasn't an in-your-face power hungry tyrant is really what helped us ease away from the EH.

I do hope you stick with us FF, but otherwise - Thank you for being here.

I'm with Vithril. I never actually talked to you, well, except last week, about DoW, but that's all. I wasn't here for the split, either, but I must admit I can see the good things that it brought. I really can't imagine a DB without the Firefox as GM, but I guess live moves on.

all that's left for me, is to wish you good luck with whatever you're going to do.

First off, I wish you the best of luck in everything, FF. I know how RL can take you away from something you like to do, but RL has to come first. I wish you didn't have to leave, but I know we are in good hands with Jac.


Brethren of the Dark Brotherhood, and especially Lord Firefox yourself,

I can only say that this comes as much as a shock to myself as it has to many and that today will be remembered as the day the Brotherhood lost one of its finest leaders, if not its finest.

I really wouldn’t know where to begin with a list of what Firefox has brought to this club, on more than one occasion he achieved what all others saw as the impossible. Even when I first met him on the Avenger I questioned him like many others, an outsider, coming to our ship after the previous commodore had been declared absent-without-leave. It seemed a ridiculous concept that anybody, let alone someone none of us knew, could turn the ship around- but Firefox did. That was six years ago.

Today of course a single ship is incomparable to what Firefox has achieved during his tenure on the Iron Throne. He freed us from what would have destroyed us. That alone is reason enough for every single one of us to hold him in praise until the end of our days here. Those of us who were around in those dark days must never forget, nor should we ever allow those who are new to the Brethren to grow so unknowing as to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I should say though that, Firefox, you shouldn’t say you haven’t brought us a way of preventing that in the future- the Dark Covenant more than provides us with the democracy the club deserves, and the Dark Covenant has been a product of your Dark Council, even if it may not be publicised for a while. It will be your legacy to which the credit will be given for the future investiture and dismissal of Grand Masters. And I am sure there can be no greater demonstration of the democracy you have brought us than when the Council and Assembly elect a new leader.

Much as it is always a loss to see a great leader go I do always disagree with how such a time is seen more as a funeral than a celebration. Though it is sad there is so much that Firefox has given us that I do feel he more than deserves his retirement. He has led this club through some of the worst times, many of which many of you will not even know happened. The pressures Firefox has been forced to endure as Grand Master are not ones any of us should ever experienced in a club such as this. He has given so much to the Dark Brotherhood. I can only hope that we can all work together in the future in a way in which he would want to try and give back just a little of what he has given every single one of us.

I know for a fact that had he not been Grand Master these past years I wouldn’t be here today. I am sure there are many of us who could say the same thing, for without Firefox we would have no doubt been landed with a series of egotistical pawns with no care for the future of the Dark Brotherhood.

So, while there is much reason to mourn his passing, we should not forget that like all Grand Masters Emeritus Firefox will now join the halls of the Star Chamber. Like many who have already said, I of course hope he does stays with us, for at the end of the day the Star Chamber works best when working together, and there is little that Firefox cannot do in retirement that he could not do as Grand Master. The only difference is that he can pass the pressures of leadership onto another, and that is a release that he more than deserves after all that he has endured for us. After all, the only person who has still been chained since the days before the split is Firefox. I think all of us can accept that he deserves more than anyone to enjoy the freedom he brought to all of us himself.

All that is left for me to say is a combined thank you not just from myself but from everyone who has ever been a member, is a member, and will be a member of the Dark Brotherhood. All of us owe Firefox everything we have to show, not just today but years into the future, for without him this club would be nothing that it is today.

Your Highness
Lord Darth Firefox
Grand Master of the Iron Throne
Dark Lord of the Sith
Lord of the Star Chamber
Governor Plenipotentiary of Antei
Lord Commander of the Brotherhood

I along with all of the Brotherhood salute you for everything you have done.

In praise and glory to the Dark Lord of the Sith,

His Excellency
Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor

We spoke a few times, in another language, and it was a relief for me. Thanks for your time in the DB Firefox, thanks for your kind words and thanks for your support in the past times.

Now that you and Cyris are gone, I'm the only Frog out there. I need to come back!

Thanks again,

Oh're not a friend of J.C., finally!

Lord Firefox, emancipator of the Dark Side, silent but strong, our Lord and Seer, I thank you for everything you have done. Our history is limited, our friendship undefined. I have, with time, accpeted all you have to done for us. At times I was wary, even hesitant to support you, yet the last X months has proven to us all what a great assett you have been. I thank you once again and on behalf of all who cannot.

I'm sorry to see you leaving us FF!! You are a really nice guy! I've only spoken to you a couple of times, but you're great to talk to.

Hopefully you will come back, even if not as GM, but as something! I doubt anyone will ever forget you or your work!


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