To start off, I apologize for the day of delay. I had intended to get this out yesterday, but I've had math homework like crazy.
After about a week of discussion between Shaithis, Demosthenes and myself, this is what we intend to do for gaming nights. For starters, these changes will be used for a period through to the end of November, after which a poll will be held, so that you can decide whether you want to continue to use this setup, or go back to the way we've been previously doing it. Give it a shot, see if you like it, then when the poll is up, go vote.
Now, for the details:
-- Gaming Nights to be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays in #gmrg. Tuesdays will be "solo" nights, where games will be played one-on-one. Any game can be played, but we expect that it will typically be the JK-series, and the LucasArts flying sims. Thursdays will be Team games; you have to have a 2vs2 match, or more, for it to count this night.
-- No signup bots will be used; we're leaving this to the ICTE. Take some initiative, and ask people for matches. Get to know one another. And if someone asks you for a match, unless you have mitigating circumstances, don't be an ass, get to know them, play a game or five. If you can't find an opponent, look for me to be on, and drop me a PM. I'll kick people around to play with you.
-- CFs will be awarded as usual, with one per win, and one per three losses. However, in addition, a Dark Cross will be awarded to everyone who gains five wins, and a Star of Antei will be given to people who gain 15 wins.
-- The culmination of these nights will be a bi-weekly tournament held every other Sunday. You can only play in these tournaments if you have played at least once during the gaming nights between tournaments (this shouldn't be too hard; anyone can play once in four nights). At the tournament, people will be assigned opponents, and it will be in #gmrg as well. If you're in the channel to participate, and not marked away, I'm going to assign matches. If you don't respond to your match, you forfeit. This is because I want people actually making sure they're actively participating, or letting people know they're gone for the time being.
-- Prizes for these tournaments will be based on participation, and winning records. 1st place gets a Steel Cross, 2nd gets a Star of Antei, 3rd nets a Dark Cross. In addition, people will be rewarded "token points" that go to their Clan. Consuls, Proconsuls, House Summits, this is where you will want to encourage competition. These "token points" can be used towards starfighter upgrades, personal possessions, Clan possessions, etc. The exact list still needs to be sent to Jac for approval, but I'm going to try and make sure there's appealing stuff there.
--EDIT!!: For those unable to make the gaming nights, I'll accept playing in the ICTE as a substitute. If you play at the ICTE, that will count as a qualifier towards the bi-weekly tournaments. I'm pretty willing to help you out as I can. I also talk with Jac about the possibility of earning CFs any night you play, perhaps as long as you're playing people form other Clans.
If you're not sure about something here, talk to me, or email me. If you don't like it, play for a few times, and then when the poll is released, you can tell me how much you really love me. :P Games will start on Thursday (yes, I'm skipping tomorrow to give you time to prep, and to send Jac the list of "purchases"), and then the first bi-weekly tournament will be held in two weeks approximately, on Sunday the 31st. If it's a bomb because of halloween, we'll deal with it.
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Sounds great, BF.
Yes We All Hate You. That did say how much we hate him right...
Naw we Love you, in a non sexual way BF.
Sounds like a great idea. Hope to play losts! :D
Let Darkness Reign
bah to the non sexual loving. Good work getting the tournies going again - they were one of the best things we had going until every tom dick and dumbass was running one :P
Inherently, it is a good concept, though there are some flaws.
Specifically, ive never seen 4 people willing to game at the same time. Thats a bad thing.
Less importantly, being on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I will be largely unable to play. I'm gone all day from noon to 10PM, EST. Hence, my gaming would be restricted.
If you are going to hold fewer comps, how about giving the oppurtunity to earn CF's and such at other times? Like, perhaps, giving 1 for every two wins or six losses, on our own time?
I agree that it is very optismistic to expect 4 players of the same game to be around at any one time. I can see it happening for JO, and perhaps JA, but for XvT and XWA? You having a laugh?
I would also suggest to slightly change the Thursday format. 2v2 games are not easy to get in anything but JO (I've seen how hard most people have to try to even get a few 1v1 XvT, JK or XWA games), so an exclusive 2v2 only seems to defeat the purpose of gaming.
Maybe you can change the payout so that 2v2 is strongly preferred on Thursday:
Team games: 2 CF win, 1 CF per 2 losses
1v1 games: 1 CF per 2 wins, 1 per 5 losses
This places a major emphasis on team play (3 times as many CFs average) without completely ruling out 1v1).
That would leave people able to play FIVE games, and with the wrong W-L record, get nothing for their time. Of course, I entirely disagree with only awarding a DC etc for 5 WINS. I thought we had tried to move away from the 'loss gets nothing' attitude?
As it stands, it would give people the chance to wait all night and get ZERO games :) I'd rather prefer to have the occasional risk of going 1-4 (which should be evaluated as 0-5 for CF purposes in that case anyway)
First, have a little optimism. Second, I am not against changing things as we go. If need be, I will modify it. But as it stands, this is what we're going with right now, until I see fit to change it. As for 4 people to play XvT/XWA, that's the point, Mark. I expect the gaming on Tuesday to be the JK series, and the flying sims, and on Thursday, I expect it to be geared more towards the JK series, Allegiance and Battlefront. That way, there's variety. And just a reminder, I am more than within my rights to reward people for winning. People get CFs one way or another, and it's also within my rights to reward people outside of this structure. Activity will be rewarded one way or another, but get over it. There's a reason you add incentive; it makes people want to win more.
People who can't win any games can still earn CF's, so it's not like they're excluding the not-so-skilled players. Really I think you guys need to just wait and see what happens. =P If Thursdays are a flop, and no 2vs2 games are played, they will most certainly change it. It's not like Melee Nights are hugely successful at the moment anyways, a little bit of experimenting isn't going to hurt it.
I love the system and I think that we need to wait and really see what happens. But I can say that back before I disappeared, myself, Ara, Kir, and a few others tried to do team gameing. Its extremly hard to get orgnized. It might work then again it might not. Guess we all will just have to wait and see.
I gotta find some suckers... :)