The time has finally come for my resignation from the position of Chancellor. When I took the position of Chancellor a year ago, I had high hopes for my position. I wanted to redo medal images and take an active roll in the Brotherhood as Chancellor. Unfortunately, I slowly gave way to the callings of other parts of my life, and my roll within the DB dwindled to just approving medals, which, I feel, I almost always did quickly and efficiently, even when I was inactive for the most part. Recently, some medals have waited a few days, and this was the worst case scenario -- so for those of you who had to wait for your GJW medals a little longer than normal, I apologize. I've had a blast with the DB while I've been an active member, whether it was serving in a leadership position or just as a member, I've always had fun and made some great friends.
That being said, there are a few people I'd like to thank for helping me with my tenure as Chancellor:
Xuthen - My praetor, Xuthles, has always caught any medals that waited in the queue too long, and has helped me when I've thought about approving or denying higher-level medals that were reccomended, as well as being my lil spy to gather information at times from people to help with this consideration. That said, Xuthen is receiving a Grand Cross of the Dark Side for her dedication to the Office of Chancellor.
Mavvles - Mav doesn't really need any introduction. Or, if he does, you should hang around the DB more, because he's one of the foremost leaders within the Brotherhood, and does a helluva lot to ensure things run smoothly and people have oppurtunities to enjoy themselves. He's also been supportive of me and, when I've been gone for periods of time and only been able to check the medal queue, kept me up-to-date on the happenings of the Brotherhood. So I'd like to thank him for being pretty much the best bud I've ever had in this club. <3
Jacz0r - Jac, thanks for giving me a shot at this position. We've had fun both in the club and working together, and hopefully we'll still be able to have our Halo 2 party sometime if law school isn't too much. (Or, if anyone reads penny-arcade...Walo 2.) Not much else to say other than that -- oh, well, I guess I can say congrats on being the new Grand Master of this club, and awesome job at guiding the club through these turbulent times of establishing ourselves apart from the EH.
Lenzar - You don't really get any thanks from me, but you got a lot of LSS'. I'll give you props for that. That is all (a la Swiper).
Kir, Sharad, Shadow, Swiper, and the other Taldryanites - Well, I left you guys in Taldryan, my home, a year ago, and took this position, and now I'm returning to my DB home. Thanks for all of the support all of you have given me while I've been CHAN. And by support, I mean all the crap you've given me, and the constant badgering for medals and such. So with that, I actually snuck a GLS or two onto all of your dossiers. Ok, well, not really -- but I thought about it for 0.023 seconds.
With those special thanks, thanks to all of the DB for putting up with my lack of a presence over the past few months. I know medals were still being processed, but I still feel bad for not doing anything, so thanks for not complaining too much.
Finally, do not e-mail me or Jac about filling the Chancellor position. Jac has plans for the position.
So, several thousand medals later, my tenure as Chancellor is finished.
~DA William Flechette Taldrya Cantor, House Dinaari
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Flechy. :(
<3 Flech.
/me falls to his knees in the rain, head looking to the sky, shaking his fists...
We cant fight over the open DC position? Damn... that's no fun.
+1 comments for me!