It was a night that the Brotherhood would long remember... they'd had no idea that so many of their members couldn't sing! But with enough alcohol, and some force persuasion, one after the other got up to strut their funky stuff.
But one song got everyone going - it was just what the members needed after the GJW. A young Jedi Hunter called Konar Siosk-Baas from CNS got up and started singing 'I feel fine', and by the end, the whole room was joining in with the chorus - those who had been infected singing with especial energy.
Other notable performances of the evening were Vail's 'Raindrops keep falling on my head', and Dalthid's reluctant 'I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts!'
And then Lan gave into the inevitable, and the evening was rounded of with a rousing rendition of the CONGA!!!
So that's:
1st place Konar Siosk-Baas
Joint 2nd place: Vail and Dalthid
3rd place: Lan
Many thanks to all who entered, and to those who didn't place, please feel free to post your song in the comments for posterity's sake ;o)
~ Lannie
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