So, I'd like to congratulate everyone who played. There was a total of 70 matches played, by 19 dedicated, and talented individuals. The placings for Second and Third came close this week, but First place was no contest.
Coming in with First Place, representing Clan Taldryan was the DB's favorite whore, Shadow with a 21-2 record, gaining himself 30 points and a Steel Cross! Nice job, Shad.
Coming in at Second Place, representing Clan Tarentum, Pyralis with a record of 11-5, ganing himself 21 points and a Star of Antei. Good job, P.
Coming in at Third Place, representing Clan Naga Sadow, Lenzar with a record of 11-4, gaining himself 19 points and a Dark Cross. Good work, Lenz.
The following are current individual scores. The first number represents the first Sunday Tourney, followed by yesterday, with the total. It should be pretty easy to understand, and is in no particular order. As always, if there's an error, make sure to let me know, and contact me via IRC, or email, so I can get it sorted out.
--EDIT: Updated to reflect a change in Shadow's score from lost match submissions.--
--EDIT: Updated to reflect a change in Horus' score from a lost match submission.--
--EDIT: Updated to reflect a change in Dark Sabre's score from lost matches.--
--EDIT: Updated to reflect a change in Vail's score from lost matches.--
--EDIT: Updated to reflect a change in Merlance's score from lost matches.--
--EDIT: Updated to reflect a change in Nit'Chu's score from lost matches.--
--EDIT: Updated to reflect a change in Lan's score from lost matches.--
MERLANCE (21)+(15)=(36 points)
Dranik (21)+(0)=(21 points)
Pyralis (32)+(21)=(53 points)
Kir (7)+(0)=(7 points)
Shadow (6)+(30)=(36 points)
Benevolent Whiner (7)+(3)=(10 points)
Demosthenes(1)+(0)=(1 point)
Dark Sabre (27)+(9)=(36 points)
Horus (10)+(17)=(27 points)
Elessar (9)+(0)=(9 points)
Ma'ar-Tyrius(8)+(10)=(18 points)
Lenzar (4)+(19)=(23 points)
Dalthid (6)+(0)=(6 points)
Shimas (8)+(2)=(10 points)
X-Pilot (1)+(0)=(1 point)
Predator (12)+(0)=(12 points)
Zacfer (1)+(0)=(1 point)
Dox (6)+(7)=(13 points)
Strategos (9)+(0)=(9 points)
Vail (2)+(18)=(20 points)
Chaosrain (0)+(6)=(6 points)
Selket (0)+(4)=(4 points)
NexusMage (0)+(11)=(11 points)
al`Lan (0)+(10)=(10 points)
Nit'Chu (0)+(12)=(12 points)
Frosty (0)+(3)=(3 points)
Arania (0)+(5)=(5 points)
Wolf (0)+(4)=(4 points)
With that said, the current Clan point totals are as follows:
Clan Arcona: 51 points
Clan Exar Kun: 0 points (I'd love to see this change, CEK)
Clan Naga Sadow: 24 points
Clan Satal Keto: 4 points
Clan Scholae Palatinae: 37 points
Clan Taldryan: 134 points
Clan Tarentum: 138 points
Great job on making this Tournament another success, and congratulations to everyone. For anyone who wants to purchase items, the list is here, and all you need to do is email me with your choices. Keep up the awesome gaming, everybody.
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