Hey all, there's some quick info to pass out, pertaining to submitting scores for Gaming Nights, and the bi-weekly Tournaments. After the mishaps we've had with lost scores, Jac worked his tail off last night to provide a solution, and I want to thank him for his amazing effort. He's provided something that'll really help ensure that errors are eliminated almost completely.
When you log in to submit scores, there's a new link added that says "Submit Tournament Scores." This is the submission form that will be used for all Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday games from now on. After you log in, the link to the page is http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-score2.asp. You can see in the dropdown, you can select which event you're submitting for, Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. It works just the same as before, but should be a little easier to figure out.
The best thing about it is, Jac coded this up to collect scores into a spreadsheet, which I can download after the event is over, and I won't have to rely on trying to count up emails, hoping that I got them all. Every match will be recorded, and it gives a complete count of who played, what their record was, and will also help me to count up total matches. So, hopefully, having to double-check your scores, and get errors fixed will be a thing of the past. :)
Again, I'd like to thank Jac for working his tail off on this. If you happen to see him, let him know you appreciate it, too, because Jac does do a lot for the Brotherhood, and his effort isn't always as public as others.
EDIT: The request went through (I knew it would), so I can announce this now. For his tireless service on this, I awarded Jac with a Sapphire Blade, to show him my appreciation. Yay Jac!
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Props to Jac :P
We are not worthy, We are not worthy.... :P
Thx Jac!
damn fine... I say...damn fine idea :)
Thank you, BF, for the kind words and the medal. I appreciate it, greatly!
I'd to give a BIG thank you as well. Now I can save all of my finger energy on playing instead of typing tuesday comp every time. ^_^
A quick question about this. Does this still send out the email to BT leaders and the like? Or can the BT/house/clan leaders get access to the spreadsheet too?
Was about time Jac got something :o) Yay