1) The Consuls were very pleased to see the approval of the Assembly of Consuls by the Grand Master. We all believe that this is a great step in the betterment of the Brotherhood. Look for good things to come! <p>2) The AoC has started its first topics of discussion. These have mainly included the way things will be handled in the AoC and also regarding my role as Emissary. <p>3) As previously stated, the role of Emissary will just be to provide a means of communication between the Dark Council and the AoC. It in no way implies leadership. <p>4) The members of the AoC have decided to go to their individual clans and poll members on what they would like to see done with the DB. If you have any thoughts you would like discussed, or if you have a proposal that will benefit the whole DB, please e-mail your Consul. <p>5) I have just recently brought up the subject of the Brotherhood medals. If you have any thoughts on the status of our medal system please e-mail your Consul. <p>Have a great weekend all!
Lord Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin, Consul of Clan Taldryan
Grand Master Emeritus
Emissary the The Assembly of Consuls
Fleet Admiral, Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet</p></p></p></p></p>
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