We've received a LOT of submissions, and thanks to everyone for participation. All of them were funny, and some even amusing... so Alanna and I had a hard time to pick the winners, but finally we have decided, and the three best entries are :
Submitted by KAP Dark Sabre:
Cannabisa: This isn't #Database
Cannabisa: And it isn't #Dragonball
Cannabisa: It's #DB - Dark brotherhood or
Cannabisa: Dark Brothas of the hood
`M: and it's not #donbosco
Cannabisa: We're a black, homosexual organization
Cannabisa: You wanna cyber?
Cannabisa: You're male right? I'm male ;) ;)
E|_LoKiTo: yes
Cannabisa: what the fuck? no
Submitted by SWL Predator:
Pred: Nothing is dumber then an Obbie
Sharad points at Jac
Pred concedes the point
Submitted by DJK Quejo:
Quejo: so whatcha doin?
Halc|brb: Having a shit :P
Quejo: no way
`Halc: Just finished :P
KaeK: when I was JH
KaeK: oh wow...JH seems so long ago now
KaeK: lol
Quejo: i remember when i was a JH
* Quejo reminices
KaeK: yeah cuz it was like
KaeK: a few days ago? heh
Quejo: shhh
~Tissaya & Alanna
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I suppose I'll be laughing for a while :o)