I apologize for the delays on this, but there was much to check, and go over in regards to the Tournament that would've been held on December 26th. As I said before, I cancelled it, but said I would give 20 Tournament Points to each individual who was qualified. I am happy to say, there were many people who got out during the events for that Tournament, and the current point standings are as follows:
MERLANCE (21)+(15)+(9)+(2)+(20)=(67 Points)
Dranik (21)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(21 Points)
Pyralis (32)+(21)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(73 Points)
Kir (7)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(27 Points)
Shadow (6)+(30)+(40)+(14)+(20)=(110 Points)
Benevolent Whiner (7)+(3)+(3)+(8)+(20)=(41 Points)
Demosthenes (1)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(1 Point)
Dark Sabre (27)+(9)+(46)+(0)+(20)=(102 Points)
Horus (10)+(17)+(13)+(14)+(20)=(74 Points)
Elessar (9)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(9 Points)
Ma'ar-Tyrius (8)+(10)+(11)+(15)+(20)=(64 Points)
Lenzar (4)+(19)+(20)+(14)+(20)=(77 Points)
Dalthid (6)+(0)+(5)+(0)+(0)=(11 Points)
Shimas (8)+(2)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(10 Points)
X-Pilot (1)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(21 Points)
Predator (12)+(0)+(1)+(0)+(0)=(13 Points)
Zacfer (1)+(0)+(9)+(25)+(20)=(55 Points)
Dox (6)+(7)+(6)+(15)+(0)=(34 Points)
Strategos (9)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(9 Points)
Vail (2)+(18)+(47)+(48)+(20)=(135 Points)
Chaosrain (0)+(6)+(10)+(17)+(20)=(53 Points)
Selket (0)+(4)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(4 Points)
NexusMage (0)+(11)+(23)+(0)+(20)=(54 Points)
al'Lan (0)+(10)+(0)+(11)+(20)=(41 Points)
Nit'Chu (0)+(12)+(0)+(3)+(0)=(15 Points)
Frosty (0)+(3)+(11)+(16)+(0)=(30 Points)
Arania (0)+(5)+(12)+(35)+(20)=(72 Points)
Wolf (0)+(4)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(24 Points)
Jasru (0)+(0)+(22)+(0)+(20)=(42 Points)
Exodius (0)+(0)+(5)+(0)+(0)=(5 Points)
Erlandil (0)+(0)+(8)+(5)+(20)=(33 Points)
Raidoner (0)+(0)+(1)+(0)+(0)=(1 Point)
Korras (0)+(0)+(18)+(23)+(20)=(61 Points)
Xhedias (0)+(0)+(9)+(1)+(20)=(30 Points)
Kaiann (0)+(0)+(11)+(18)+(20)=(49 Points)
Rakhai (0)+(0)+(6)+(0)+(0)=(6 Points)
Tissaya (0)+(0)+(20)+(13)+(20)=(53 Points)
Keiran (0)+(0)+(8)+(0)+(0)=(8 Points)
Zadious (0)+(0)+(18)+(7)+(0)=(25 Points)
Zekk (0)+(0)+(3)+(0)+(20)=(23 Points)
Vally (0)+(0)+(0)+(4)+(20)=(24 Points)
Vardar (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Raistlin (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Anshar (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Welshman (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Thomas Fene (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Windos Matrix (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Locust (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Odjn (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Phantom (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Voldemort (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Malik (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Ivilius (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Dask (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
With that said, the current Clan Point standings are as follows:
Clan Arcona: (130 Points)
Clan Exar Kun: (24 Points)
Clan Naga Sadow: (217 Points)
Clan Satal Keto: (59 Points)
Clan Scholae Palatinae: (234 Points)
Clan Taldryan: (502 Points)
Clan Tarentum: (550 Points)
It's worth noting that Clan Naga Sadow has already taken the initiative to spend some of their points. This was done before the holidays, but I didn't have time to get it posted before I left. For two squadrons of Tie Interceptors, Naga Sadow has added Shield Generators, costing 170 of their points. With this in effect, Naga Sadow's fighters are as follows:
4 TIE Avengers
8 XG-1 Starwing Assault Gunboats
8 A-9 Vigilance Interceptors
24 TIE Interceptors (w/ shields)
6 TIE Interceptors
I appreciate all of the effort everyone put in, to make it out to those Gaming Events before the holidays. I'll have the qualifiers list for tomorrow's tournament up as soon as I can. Again, you all know if you've qualified. Make sure to get in #gmrg, and let people know you're looking for matches. Have fun, and I hope this Tournament is a great success, too. As always, the items list can be viewed here.
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And here as a special LH office service, the same thing sorted first by points ranking:
1 Vail (2)+(18)+(47)+(48)+(20)=(135 Points)
2 Shadow (6)+(30)+(40)+(14)+(20)=(110 Points)
3 Dark Sabre (27)+(9)+(46)+(0)+(20)=(102 Points)
4 Lenzar (4)+(19)+(20)+(14)+(20)=(77 Points)
5 Horus (10)+(17)+(13)+(14)+(20)=(74 Points)
6 Pyralis (32)+(21)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(73 Points)
7 Arania (0)+(5)+(12)+(35)+(20)=(72 Points)
8 MERLANCE (21)+(15)+(9)+(2)+(20)=(67 Points)
9 Ma'ar-Tyrius (8)+(10)+(11)+(15)+(20)=(64 Points)
10 Korras (0)+(0)+(18)+(23)+(20)=(61 Points)
11 Zacfer (1)+(0)+(9)+(25)+(20)=(55 Points)
12 NexusMage (0)+(11)+(23)+(0)+(20)=(54 Points)
13 Chaosrain (0)+(6)+(10)+(17)+(20)=(53 Points)
13 Tissaya (0)+(0)+(20)+(13)+(20)=(53 Points)
15 Kaiann (0)+(0)+(11)+(18)+(20)=(49 Points)
16 Jasru (0)+(0)+(22)+(0)+(20)=(42 Points)
17Benevolent Whiner (7)+(3)+(3)+(8)+(20)=(41 Points)
17 al'Lan (0)+(10)+(0)+(11)+(20)=(41 Points)
19 Dox (6)+(7)+(6)+(15)+(0)=(34 Points)
20 Erlandil (0)+(0)+(8)+(5)+(20)=(33 Points)
21 Frosty (0)+(3)+(11)+(16)+(0)=(30 Points)
21 Xhedias (0)+(0)+(9)+(1)+(20)=(30 Points)
23 Kir (7)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(27 Points)
24 Zadious (0)+(0)+(18)+(7)+(0)=(25 Points)
25 Wolf (0)+(4)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(24 Points)
25 Vally (0)+(0)+(0)+(4)+(20)=(24 Points)
27 Zekk (0)+(0)+(3)+(0)+(20)=(23 Points)
28 Dranik (21)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(21 Points)
28 X-Pilot (1)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(21 Points)
30 Vardar (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Raistlin (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Anshar (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Welshman (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Thomas Fene (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Windos Matrix (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Locust (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Odjn (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Phantom (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Voldemort (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Malik (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Ivilius (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
30 Dask (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
43 Nit'Chu (0)+(12)+(0)+(3)+(0)=(15 Points)
44 Predator (12)+(0)+(1)+(0)+(0)=(13 Points)
45 Dalthid (6)+(0)+(5)+(0)+(0)=(11 Points)
46 Shimas (8)+(2)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(10 Points)
47 Elessar (9)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(9 Points)
47 Strategos (9)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(9 Points)
49 Keiran (0)+(0)+(8)+(0)+(0)=(8 Points)
50 Rakhai (0)+(0)+(6)+(0)+(0)=(6 Points)
51 Exodius (0)+(0)+(5)+(0)+(0)=(5 Points)
52 Selket (0)+(4)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(4 Points)
53 Demosthenes (1)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(1 Point)
53 Raidoner (0)+(0)+(1)+(0)+(0)=(1 Point)
and second by name:
al'Lan (0)+(10)+(0)+(11)+(20)=(41 Points)
Anshar (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Arania (0)+(5)+(12)+(35)+(20)=(72 Points)
Benevolent Whiner (7)+(3)+(3)+(8)+(20)=(41 Points)
Chaosrain (0)+(6)+(10)+(17)+(20)=(53 Points)
Dalthid (6)+(0)+(5)+(0)+(0)=(11 Points)
Dark Sabre (27)+(9)+(46)+(0)+(20)=(102 Points)
Dask (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Demosthenes (1)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(1 Point)
Dox (6)+(7)+(6)+(15)+(0)=(34 Points)
Dranik (21)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(21 Points)
Elessar (9)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(9 Points)
Erlandil (0)+(0)+(8)+(5)+(20)=(33 Points)
Exodius (0)+(0)+(5)+(0)+(0)=(5 Points)
Frosty (0)+(3)+(11)+(16)+(0)=(30 Points)
Horus (10)+(17)+(13)+(14)+(20)=(74 Points)
Ivilius (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Jasru (0)+(0)+(22)+(0)+(20)=(42 Points)
Kaiann (0)+(0)+(11)+(18)+(20)=(49 Points)
Keiran (0)+(0)+(8)+(0)+(0)=(8 Points)
Kir (7)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(27 Points)
Korras (0)+(0)+(18)+(23)+(20)=(61 Points)
Lenzar (4)+(19)+(20)+(14)+(20)=(77 Points)
Locust (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Ma'ar-Tyrius (8)+(10)+(11)+(15)+(20)=(64 Points)
Malik (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
MERLANCE (21)+(15)+(9)+(2)+(20)=(67 Points)
NexusMage (0)+(11)+(23)+(0)+(20)=(54 Points)
Nit'Chu (0)+(12)+(0)+(3)+(0)=(15 Points)
Odjn (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Phantom (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Predator (12)+(0)+(1)+(0)+(0)=(13 Points)
Pyralis (32)+(21)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(73 Points)
Raidoner (0)+(0)+(1)+(0)+(0)=(1 Point)
Raistlin (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Rakhai (0)+(0)+(6)+(0)+(0)=(6 Points)
Selket (0)+(4)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(4 Points)
Shadow (6)+(30)+(40)+(14)+(20)=(110 Points)
Shimas (8)+(2)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(10 Points)
Strategos (9)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(0)=(9 Points)
Thomas Fene (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Tissaya (0)+(0)+(20)+(13)+(20)=(53 Points)
Vail (2)+(18)+(47)+(48)+(20)=(135 Points)
Vally (0)+(0)+(0)+(4)+(20)=(24 Points)
Vardar (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Voldemort (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Welshman (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Windos Matrix (0)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(20 Points)
Wolf (0)+(4)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(24 Points)
Xhedias (0)+(0)+(9)+(1)+(20)=(30 Points)
X-Pilot (1)+(0)+(0)+(0)+(20)=(21 Points)
Zacfer (1)+(0)+(9)+(25)+(20)=(55 Points)
Zadious (0)+(0)+(18)+(7)+(0)=(25 Points)
Zekk (0)+(0)+(3)+(0)+(20)=(23 Points)
Just to make it a bit easier to find yourself :)