Worthy Award


Worthy Award

Former Proconsul Sharad Taldrya Hett recently resigned from his position in Clan Taldryan, and although I generally dislike retirement awards, I think this is a special case. Therefore all of the leaders in Taldryan have got together and reccomended Sharad be rewarded for his efforts. Here are some excerpts from the reccomendations:

From Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn:
"Sharad has dedicated most of his time to bettering Taldryan. Be it through instruction, invention, mentorship, loyalty, or countless other qualities he brings to the table, Sharad can honestly be called one of the Taldryan’s most successful members (and considering the company that puts him in, it’s a great compliment)."

From Quaestor Shadow Taldrya:
"At the very most he touched most of the Obelisk Order [as OHC] at one point. He offered an almost endless amount of ideas and competitions that were pivotal at the time when Jedi Knight was all but dying and Outcast was still some time away."

From Quaestor Dark Sabre:
"I've always considered Sharad to be important not just to Taldryan, but to the Brotherhood. It's the people like him that have made the Brotherhood what it is today."

From Aedile Benevolent Whiner:
"I'm positive that if you spoke to any member in Taldryan about Sharad, you'd hear of a time when he has helped them in some way, as he has helped me. "

From Aedile Nexusmage:
"Sharad is a great member, an independent thinker, an outgoing and compassionate leader, fiercely loyal, a good friend, and he's even kind of sometimes a good person; I believe this is the very least we can do to show our respect for someone with such dedication, loyalty, and love for this clan, and the Brotherhood."

As you can tell, Sharad has held a special place in Taldryan throughout his career, and we are all glad that he will remain in the Dinaari ranks. His dedication and loyalty to Taldryan is unparalleled.

Therefore I am proud to award Dark Adapt Sharad Taldrya Hett a Ruby Scepter, congratulations!

Gratz Sharad...it is well deserved.

Cool. Congrats, no doubt it's deserved.

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