Intruding the RoS posts a bit here, but I am sure you will forgive me for that.. Yesterday, Lucasarts released a press-release, anouncing a new game. Read that here. The game will be mixing ground and space combat, and the screens so far look pretty good. Petroglyph has developed the all-new engine for that.
Lots of nice units. Interdictors, Tie's on wheels, etc.
It's scheduled for the coming fall. it will probably be pushed back, but it's nice to have something to look forward to... Let's just hope they don't screw up.
Oh,btw, special thanks goes to the creator of this MB thread. ;)
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Pfft, why don't you report on something good, like the brand new Republic Commando site.
Just to add a bit...Petroglyph Studios are what was formerly known as Westwood Studios. Westwood was bought out by EA, and the guys eventually got together and formed Petroglyph.
Westwood made all the Command and Conquer games, so they know how to do RTS. Even if they are asses (I've run into some of their employees at gamestop etc before, they're total a-holes hehe).
I'm not a big fan of the C&C games though. The only RTS games I really enjoyed (that i've played) are Warcraft 2 and Starcraft so we'll see how this one turns out
The screenshots look promising. I just hope it doesn't turn out like Battlefront: a moderately decent game in and of itself, but not as good as what its based on (Battlefield 1942). Maybe the new engine will help.
Colour me impressed. I'm definately going to invest time into this game. I like RTS games plenty.
Dinaari is going to kick the crap out of anyone in Republic Commando :P haha
YAY Something better than Rebellion!! :-D