New Obelisk High Commander


New Obelisk High Commander

Greetings all,

Today I have the pleasure of announcing who your next Obelisk High Commander will be. First I would like to thank everyone for applying. We had some great applications and I hope to see those same folks apply again in due time for other things.

But, without further Jacisms, I hereby appoint Prelate Korras Aquillarum to the Position of Obelisk High Commander

Congratulations, Korras. I look forward to working with you.


BIG congrats Korras! I always was saying that you would get far in the DB, and now look at yourself... the OHC! And who was right again?? :-P

Congrats again, friend. =)

BIG congrats Korras! I always was saying that you would get far in the DB, and now look at yourself... the OHC! And who was right again?? :-P

Congrats again, friend. =)

wow... that's pretty friggin cool... Congrats Korras!

huggles That's great.

Congratulations, Korras! You'd best not wander too far, or we'll start missing you...and that usually means a drunken task force kinda thing....

Great job Korras! Congrats! I don't think there is anyone that is suited more for the job!

Yay, and another of the sons of Sadow takes to the Council! Congrats Korras! :)

/me looks at the person in the shiny new and just slightly too large OHC robe and remembers the young untrained lad he had found in a wrecked shuttle just over a year ago.

One seriously good appointment here, I see a great future for the Obelisk. And you'll fill out that robe with pure muscle in a very short time - in the meantime, wear some shoulder pads to hide your Krath origins :)

thanks for all the support, people. :)

I'll do the best job I possibly can. a first report will be out as soon as I get settled a bit.

Obelisk Prelate? Meh, I wanted to see Krath Archpriest :P

OHC KAP Korras.. it makes you more memorable :P

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