New Scroll of Indoctrination Request Form


New Scroll of Indoctrination Request Form

Hello everyone,

I have created for us a Request form for the SI. You can now use this form to submit your own request for the SI based on activity that you have completed. All requests will go to the HM. Spears will process the request and accept those that are valid.

Just for your information, valid SI entries are the following:
1. Recruitment of a member who has contributed in some way to the DB (IE, participated, got promoted or something)
2. Mentoring of a member with provable success
3. Recruitment activity, including creating websites for the DB and posting advertisements and banners in different places. Please note that just making banners will not get you an SI. You must give links to prove that you have posted the banners in places that will draw recruits.

Spears has processed all of the SI requests emailed to him since he became HM. If you have not emailed him a request or did not get a SI by error, please use the new form to make a request.

The form can be found in your administration list when you log in.


Please include some details as to the members activity in the form. Simply taking a few SA courses the day they joined is not enough.
A short list of things that are acceptable
1. A detailed Character History
2. Medals awarded
3. Non SA promotion
4. ACC activity
5. MB activity (provide links to posts)
6. Strong IRC activity

That is not a complete list but you get the idea. Also a mininmum of 1 month in a Clan is required.

In "A" clan or in the current clan they are rostered under?

A month total of active in Clan membership.

Maybe it should be mentioned that making shitty banners and post them at SW places is a good way to NOT gain members for us. We need to think carefully where we'll post them.

Thinking is good... but at the same time... posting them on the inside of a trash can is better than posting them nowhere at all. At the moment we don't do hardly any recruiting so it would be good if we did manage to encourage people to do it.

Though of course, it is a valid point; we don't want to encourage people to annoyingly spam well known Star Wars boards repeatedly just to earn SIs else it will actually cost us recruits.


The best solution might be that anyone who wants to do some external recruiting first has to contact the Knight Commander of the Brotherhood (I'm assuming the KCB as head of the Envoys is head of recruiting) just to clear their plans.

In a way it means asking if doing X, Y and Z is a good idea before doing it. It can't hurt... somebody is going to have to read the SI recommendation anyway, this would just be reading it before people go out spamming boards and ensure they do so in a mature fashion.

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