During the course of his travels through the subjugated areas, the Lord Hegemon has been subjected to a poison attack by renegade Bactarans. While the attackers have been caught and the LH's detoxifocation skills have easily warded off any lethal effects, the poison used - identified at Otitium - causes wracking pains in the subject's nervous system that can only very incompletely be treated with medication or Force applications.
It should thus be expected that the Lord Hegemon be unable attend to any but the most urgent matters in the next two to three days. Questions should be directed to his Praetor Arania.
OOC: I've come down with a painful ear infection and just need the weekend off to mostly sleep and pump my body full of various chemicals designed to better things. Will see you on Monday, I hope...
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Be wary, Dark Councilor. You are travelling in dangerous times...
Ah yay, I'm the SQ department again.. oh wait, I never ceased being that :o)