I've just sent a final spreadsheet to Jac with all the people to be awarded seals, so hopefully you'll get them soon. I was also about to do the Novas, but I've realised I don't have access, so I'll ask Khan to do them instead :P
I'm hoping to get all the winning entries for each section up on krath.org, so if anyone would rather their's didn't go up, please e-mail me to let me know.
And.... we have clan awards to announce!
Firstly, every clan will be able to select a Kh'amar'an artifact as reward for participating in the competition. Arania has kindly compiled a list for us which will be sendingt around the clan summits, from 1st to 7th, and asking each to select an artifact.
Secondly, the top three clans have earnt themselves some extra cool stuff for being extra cool Krath clans! From third place to first....
CSP is awarded 5 x Tie Crawler
CNS is awarded 5 x ATTE + 5 x Tie Crawler
Taldryan is awarded 3 x Imperial MPDSL + 5 x Tie Crawler
You can find descriptions here: http://www.krath.org/RoS/RoSAwards.html
Thanks to Arania, Kaiann, Mav and Jac for helping to decide and stat the ships.
At this point, I'd also like to thank Kaiann, and especially Arania for helping so much during the RoS. There will be shineys (or equivalent), but I'm not quite sure what yet ;o) Also, thanks to the Codemonkeys!
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