Greetings, all...
I come before you today to announce an elevation of the highest caliber. This award comes not directly from the Council, but from the members of a Clan. Today, Clan Taldryan has assembled to recognize their Consul. Through his tenure as Consul of the Clan, Kir Taldrya Katarn has done everything in his power to make Taldryan the best it could be, and the Clan recognizes this. It is only through their collectives efforts that this promotion has been made possible, and for that, I commend them. Few members in the history of this organization have managed to handle so many roles as well as Kir Taldrya Katarn and perform so well in each. With the blessing of the Grand Master, it is my supreme honor to approve Clan Taldryan's literal pages of collective recommendations and bestow upon Kir the rank of Dark Side Adept and the status of Elder it confers. Congratulations, Dark Adept!
Deputy Grand Master
Telaris "Mav" Cantor_
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Congratulations Kir. The actual recc itself contains a lot more but it would have been too much to stick on the site. I know not everyone in the clan is in that recc but if we had the time I would have gotten them all. Keep up the great work.
WOOOOOOO KIR!!! way to go dude, you deserve this with all your hard work and help. thanks to you ive become a more active and interested member of the DB. Great Job sir.
WOOOOOOO KIR!!! way to go dude, you deserve this with all your hard work and help. thanks to you ive become a more active and interested member of the DB. Great Job sir.
<3 KIR!!!
You deserve this more than anybody I can think of.
Congratultions Kir, you deserve this more than anyone i can think of.
Kir's the man. Well Deserved.
The value of me actually posting a news comment should speak for itself. =p
Congrats Kir, you deserve it.
CONGRATS Kir I can't think of anyone that deserves it more then you. You are truly and outstanding member of this Brotherhood.
Congratulations Kir! I can't think of anyone more deserving of this honor than yourself. You've accomplished so much for Taldryan, that it almost seems as if this promotion barely encompasses all the hard work you've put into the clan.
Congrats Kir,
You know we love you baby. :P
Welcome in the Elder Kir, about time too :P
Guys, I don't even know what to say...thank you all. It means a more than anything to me that the recc's all came from Taldryan. This is truthfully the most honored I have ever felt from something DB-related.
Thank you all so very much.
Good job Kir, You deserve it more then anyone else i know :)
Who the hell promoted this jerk? Seriously, I want names! I will personally track them all down and flay them alive! Silly Kir, Adepts are for Councillors :P
Gratz buddy, you truly deserve it.
Congrats Kir! Everyone knows you deserve it, and it's an honor that doesn't come lightly. You've worked your tail off for it, and it shows it the accolades of your peers, and the esteem Taldryan has for you. You've definitely earned this recognition.
Oh, and someone remind me to have Oberst break Yacks' thumbs. :P Adepts are for Councillors. Stupid Cantor. Heh.
Kir = the shit.
As a former Proconsul of Taldryan and one of the Sons of Taldryan, I have seen firsthand the countless hours of work and dedication Kir has poured into the DB and Clan. He is by far one of the most influential, valuable, and selfless people I have had the pleasure of knowing, and that goes for DB and the world beyond our computer screens. It is absolutely the right award at the right time, I cannot think of someone more deserving than Kir.
This Bud's for you dude
Bravo! Congrats boss... one of the few people here that actually impress me! The perfect example of someone who takes their Clan by the throat and drags them to where they are meant to be without puffing up for recognition for it... well deserved!
Seen this coming after the impressive RoS results. Congrats :o)
Not much i can say that hasn't already, but what the hell. Con gratz Kir, This one is for the best damn Consul I can think of. Thanks for making us look good by doing it for yourself
passes a round of drinks to every one '
I toast is in order
A warm and hearty congratulations, long over due in my opinion! In honor, I shall drink an extra glass of wine ;P
Well done!
Very well deserved :D
A good reflection on an excellent leader...grats!
Very nice Kir. You deserved it.