Resignation of the KHP... in a month’s time!


Resignation of the KHP... in a month’s time!

When I first accepted the position of KHP from Tronsta back in April 2003, I had no idea how involved I’d get with every aspect of the DB. I've had a real blast as KHP but, although it’s a wrench, the time has come for me to pass the Krath order onto someone else.

My real life has been slowing getting very busy. I'm learning Flamenco dancing and I've just started taking harp lessons. Plus I'm doing a French A-level correspondence course and I'm hoping to start a part-time PhD alongside my job sometime in the next couple of months. I'd much rather step out of KHP while I'm on a high and the order is going well, as opposed to neglecting it as my time gets eaten up, and leaving a real mess for the next KHP to sort out.

I’m going to miss the position a lot, but I certainly won’t be disappearing in the near future. In order to smooth the transition between myself and my successor, Jac and Mav will shortly be opening applications for P:KHP, who will then serve along with me for a ‘hand-over’ period and will be officially promoted to KHP when I retire in a month’s time. During that hand-over period, I hope to get a couple of projects completed, and I’m sure my new Praetor will have lots of new ideas which I’ll help to get going.

When I step-down, I’ll be heading back to Taldryan (Bubbles would never forgive me if I went anywhere else :P) where I intend to remain an active part of the DB... after a few weeks’ rest ;o)

There are so many people who I would like to thank individually, and I’d be bound to forget someone, so I’ll just say ‘thank-you’ to everyone who has made the last two years highly enjoyable, if a little exhausting! You’re all wonderful :o)

Lastly, let it go on record... that Krath are purple!!

Thanks guys. Expect a news post from Jac shortly.


Krath High Priestess, Lady Alanna</bow>

holds up little 'Go Alanna' flags

Sorry to see you go, Lannie..:(

Delay this reaction for a month Nooooooooooooooo!

Thank you for officially stating (again) that Krath are purple. Your entire reign is now validated. ;) Can I still abduct you if you arent a DC member?

wow... I'm officially bummed...

You were a kick a** KHP, and always had an ear for the members of the Order - its a shame to see you go.

NO DON'T LEAVE US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even knowing this was going to happen, it still makes me a bit sad. You brought so much fun to the Order. But well, you'll stay around so be sure to keep drinking your coffee in #krath :o)



You're the best KHP we've had!


cries some more

I wish that you weren't stepping down, Alanna - but I am glad you are staying around! Oh and this is Kaek since you can never figure out which Long is which :P

There can't be anything better coming up after you, Lannie. And that's what makes me sad.


Well it's always a terrible shame to see someone whos not only popular but good at what they do step down. You will be sorely missed, it's encouraging that you will remain the in the DB. So I wish you well in all your RL pursuits and hope that remain a member of the DB for a long time to come.

In a word... sucky. Lannie, you were an absolutely kick-arse KHP... I didn't think you'd step down for another couple of years now. :( Good luck with all your RL stuff, and please stay around... life would be boring without you =D

Well my dear, I knew it was coming, but it's still a shock. But don't worry, you can still sleep in the Dark Hall ;)

But seriously Lannie, you've probably been the best KHP this Brotherhood has ever had, and I hope you know it. Thank you for all your amazing service.

:'( Very sad to see you go, Lannie, you're the best KHP we've had. You're always brought a very fun and positive attitude to the Brotherhood that will be sorely missed.

::eyes light up at potential job opening:: Oh, wait, Spears would hunt me down before I could do anything anyway... :P

Thanks for all the hard work, Lannie. It has been much appreciated, especially knowing that it hasn't always been easy. So, take that KHP's pension and enjoy yourself (I recommend Tarentum's Ale Pond, myself).

I wouldn't suggest that ale pond... let's just say I paid it a visit and some stuff went down. You know how it is. Anyways, a pre-emptive welcome back to Taldryan, Lannie! <3


Well look on the bright side, you will be returning to Taldryan. From the DB' loss to Taldryan' gain.

You were one in a million Alanna. I wish you well in your RL expeditions.

Thank you for all the comments :D

~ Lannie.xx

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