Before I mention the opportunities, don't forget the XvT/XWA Bracket Tournament. Sign up for it today by emailing me. Sign-ups last until Friday th 25th, so remind your Clans!
And now, for the opportunities. As some of you may have noticed, I have yet to pick any of the members of my Royal Guard Cell. I'm going to be having a mini-Tournament for that end tomorrow. I've talked to some of you in private, inviting you out, but everyone is encouraged to attend. You need to have JO and/or JA, since the Tournament will be utilizing both. I'm also going to try and invite some of the other "unguarded" DCers out, so they can have a chance to see everyone in action. Odds are, if you're there to play, and you have a good time, and show talent and potential, you're going to be picked for someone's Guardsmen. Come out and play!
Second opportunity: I'm accepting applications. The only twist? I'm not telling you what it's for. There's a project that I've been working on with one of my Staff, and we're looking for someone else to come in on it, to help administrate. What does that mean? Well, if you want the opportunity to work on something DB-wide, that has potential to lead to greater places for you, apply.
I don't want applications of, "Whatever you need, I can do it!" I want you to tell me about yourself, about your strengths, and your weaknesses. I want you to tell me what you like to do, and what you have done in the DB so far. I want to know the kind of activities you like, and have done, outside the DB in particular; this involves something that many in the DB may have no knowledge, or skill in, so it's going to need just the right person. Applications will be accepted until I find the right person, but preference will be given to those people who can submit a timely Application to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
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