The Headmaster, deep within his Keep at the Shadow Academy, had been experimenting with a nest of Ysalamiri when this curse was brought upon the Brotherhood. From his keep and using the communication channels of the Dark Council he has sent a call out to all of those that still have the drive to follow the Dark Path.
It is rumored that the Headmaster was not alone in his lab at the time of the the Jedi's assault on Antei. It is believed that Overlords Oberst and Rekio, Warlord Xu Long, Pontifex Telona, Dark Side Adept Kir and most importantly of all Dark Jedi Masters Zero, Shan Long, Keirdagh and Gui Long were with him. Antei will be retaken and the light shall be purged with your aassistance.
The Forces of Darkness are gathering. The light will once again be eclipsed. Gather with us brethren and we can expel this foul stench.
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I will join you in your battle against the Light Side. I embrace the Dark Side fully and will not stray away from its path.
Jedi Hunter Nit'Chu Tetsuo
Let the darkness come yet again. If only for the sake of our eyes.
After a serious discussion, and hearing arguments from... certain military commander :P I decided to come back to darkness!
Go Spears, go Darkness! Get behind the lighties!
The Light shall not prevail! I follow the darkness wherever it may lead me. You have my support Headmaster!
Jedi Hunter Lucien Azyr Do'Itek
you can count on me to help restore us back to our "proper" selves. The light shall be vanquished, and that traitor Halcyon shall be strung up from the tallest tree on Eden, even if I have to see to it myself.
I'm with you, if only for the sheer fact that Pontifex is a better name for my rank. Oh, and I'm your Praetor, too.
I am with you, Head Master. Let's kill some Jedi!
Xhedias pulls the hood over his head in the presence of the Headmaster and drops to one knee. From underneath his robes he puts forth a lightsaber, his lightsaber.
"You control blade, life and will. I shall serve thee, Headmaster."
I'm with you headmaster, DEATH TO THE JEDI!!!!!!!!
Come on, i'm your guardm if you think im going light... i might have to kill things.... w00t darkside forever!
Although he is my friend, and my recruiter...and my mentor...Jedi Squire (formerly Jedi Hunter) Frosty Romanae shall either rejoin us with the UTMOST loyalty, or he shall die by my hands or my Blastech DL-44 Special (and believe me, I can aim it better than some can block..) or if the headmaster permits it, I shall request he gives me (however temporarily) back the lightsaber that I came here with. And that traitorous Romanae WILL be killed by me.
Take this as a warning, Romanae. I may just destroy you unless you rejoin us and submit to Headmaster Spears. And, until you kneal before him and proclaim your penetance, I shall hold my weapon against your throat.
P.S. (Out of Character): hehe, this club is gonna be so much fun, me thinks.
I am unable to assist in a combat capacity at this time, however I am standing by in service and support.
(Why do we say 'light Jedi' or the 'light side of the Force'? Is in't it just 'Jedi' or 'Dark Jedi', 'the Force' or the 'Dark Side of the Force'? Is there anything in canon about saying 'light side'? We say matter and dark matter, not light matter and dark matter. And please no one take this as some kind of attack, I am seriously only asking if evidence exists to call it by this name! If so, this lowly acolyte would like to know!)
Cuz it sounds better that way.
I will help destroy the jedi.
The Jedi must die! The Dark side will prevail.................
You Dark Jedi are week! An old jedi saying: "Any enemy can be the right time." ;)
Heh, I always wonder that too Nual. I think it's just to make things easier as people know what they're talking about when they say "Light Jedi". But yeah, technically speaking there are only Jedi and Dark Jedi, saying "Light Jedi" is like saying "Light Light Jedi", so it's not wholly necessary.
You Dark Jedi are week! An old jedi saying: "Any enemy can be the right time." ;) -Frosty
"Yeah, and you were supposed to be my friend, my you will be defeated." I said these words just as I pulled my DL-44 Special from it's holster. "I'm a quick and sharp shot, and neither of us has a lightsaber at the moment." I fired. The laser bolt hit Frosty right in the chest, sending him to his knees. "Now rejoin us or die..."
You Dark Jedi are week! An old jedi saying: "Any enemy can be the right time." ;) -Frosty
"Yeah, and you were supposed to be my friend, my you will be defeated." I said these words just as I pulled my DL-44 Special from it's holster. "I'm a quick and sharp shot, and neither of us has a lightsaber at the moment." I fired. The laser bolt hit Frosty right in the chest, sending him to his knees. "Now rejoin us or die..."
I will eliminate the Light from our very plane of exiencetence.