Deputy Grand Master Declares Hatred of Computers
Considering I've had to reformat this computer and reinstall windows twice since I began using it, I'm really considering punting it out the window. While I've managed to conclude with near certainty my issues are related to the sucker's hard drive, I'm completely broke and have no way of getting a new one. As such, its very difficult for me to do much of anything long lasting. That, and I've had a really busy week. :P
However, I will be back in full force by Monday. I'll be putting out a report then, as well as opening up a Magistrate slot for applications. I'll be announcing two alliances and some other stuff, as well. I'm sorry I don't have the time to do so right now, but theres a class coming into the computer lab and I've got to run.
In any event, I'll see you guys on Monday!
Deputy Grand Master
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
P.S.: No, I won't change the website back. :P
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