Revenge of the Sith: TV Trailers


Revenge of the Sith: TV Trailers

For those interested there are now three TV trailers out for Episode IIi: Revenge of the Sith. Most people will probably already have seen the Teaser trailer but there are some nice new shots on the Unleashed and Tragedy ones.

-> Trailer 1:
Dark Side Unleashed

Trailer 2:

Trailer 3:
Teaser <-

They look cool, except for 3 parts...

The Lava Surfing. I knew it wasn't going to be anything to write home about, but it looks REALLY bad. Just terrible.

Second, Padme. I can't believe people are raving about her in Tragedy. That was the cheesiest line I've ever heard in a Star Wars movie. OMG YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART. Boo Hoo Hoo, I'm sorry Padme for breaking your heart. Now jump on and start bouncing. :/

And finally, Sidious' saber in one of the shots before C-3PO appears. It looks like a red dildo. It's so small, bleh. These new ads actually made me anticipate the film a bit less. :P

Still going to see it though.

The lava surfing thing does look pretty stupid... looks like it was drawn in, like the Joker falling to his death in the 1989 Batman film. Just plain bad.

As for the other stuff - well - I think it's fine.

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