OHC Announcements.


OHC Announcements.

My apologies (yet again) for the lateness of my announcements. My home comp doesn't like sending them for some reason, and as I was out all weekend I was unable to check if they had gone through. Anyway, I'll be sending from my work comp from now on to evade this problem!!

  1. Codeing has started on obeliskorder.org and I'm hoping to have the site finished asap! If you want to see something on the site which you havn't already heard me mention, then please drop me an e-mail with your ideas.

I will be working very closely with CoG Mav on certain projects. These involve JK skins and editing, help files for JK and the possibility of tutorials for editing to get more people involved. My feelings are that people don't want to edit because they don't know how, and most online tutorials are quite difficult to understand. So these ones will be simple, easy to understand and act as a quick and effective tutor.

I am planning to start up some graphics competitions for the Obelisk. At the moment Activity is the main issue, and I know that some of the best graphic minds in the DB are hidden within the Obelisk. So I plan to entice them out with a few little comps. Winners will get a medal and their artwork will be placed in a gallery on Obeliskorder.org.

Now that we have a new DGM in (...congrats Shaitan...), I'm hoping to make a move with the UT comp. If you still want to take part, and havn't done so already, send me an e-mail with your ID line and the subject "I OWN UT!!" I'v heard that both the GM and DGM will possibly be attending, so if you want a chance at giving them a bit of a thrashing, sign up now!!"

Thats all for now, expect my announcements on time next week :P

OHC Rizlib

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