(Posted for stupid lightie Mike)
Greetings everybody,
With the Independant Games coming up and the whole slew of new members we got recently, I will be offering a writing tutorial this month. For four consecutive weeks, I will give tips and tricks as well as some general advice on writing, focusing on short stories implicitly.
The tutorial will start tomorrow, Saturday 8th and will end 30th of this month. The tutorial itself is composed of lectures (or rather a dialogue, I hope) on saturdays, 1000EST/1500GMT/1600CET running approximatley one hour, depending on the demand. Over the week, you will get an assignment to write, trying to practice what you have learned. Those assignments will be graded by me as well, eventually leading to an overall grade for the entire course.
The schedule is as follows:
1st week: General format of a story
2nd week: Character depth
3rd week: How to make a story interesting
4th week: Tweaks and tricks
This tutorial will not earn you any medals or promotions, nor will it appear on your ID-line - it isn't even official. I guarantee you, however, that you will learn the one or other thing that will not only help your writing here in the Dark Brotherhood but also generally.
Due to time constrains, the course is limited to ten (10) persons. Apply directly to me at michael.halcyon(at)new-avalon.net - first come first serve. Also, if you already know that you won't be able to participate in more than one or two lessons, please reconsider your application as it would be unfair for people a bit slower but more dedicated/available. The lecture-times are subject to change on everybody's agreement.
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Addendum: 30th are the last lectures. The following week, there will still be assignments I will grade. As such, the entire tutorial will be done after the first week of May.
Wow, I think this is a wonderful idea. Trully great. Kudos mister Mike :p
Addendum 2: Godammit, NO, this is no secret brainwashing ploy - we won't even be talking about the Force until week 4. I'm just trying to give away some of my experience (7 years writing, two published novels) here for free. In the real world, you'd have to pay for that.
Addendum 3: Only one app so far. Ignore my comment about rethinking your application - just go ahead. We'll find place for all of you.
Also, this tutorial is not aimed at beginners alone - a lot of seasoned DB writers can probably pick up an idea or two, too. That is, of course, if they can jump over their shadow. ;)
The answer is still no :p I have a few years on you in writing hehe. And I don't have time at all.
But I'll poke a few people who might want to take part.
Now some folks are telling lies here. He says "This tutorial will not earn you any medals or promotions". And there he's wrong because I believe it's a lot of work to do and quite a lot of work for him to run, so I will use my DC authority to prove him wrong and offer:
One Crescent with Amethyst Star for the BEST WRITER overall in the course (i.e. the story that will read best as a whole over all assignments).
One Crescent with Ruby Star for MOST IMPROVED from the beginning to the end (i.e. the one who actually learned the most and managed to actually translate it into practice).
Now go and sign up.
Yay! Thanks, Kai!
Yay! Thanks, Kai!
Who cares if it'll earn you medals or promotions? Christ - sometimes it's really about just improving the quality of content.
Take the course. Learn to write better. Stop submitting total crap.
There's only one thing to say to that, Kaine.