Hey all.
With final exams having been completed this week, the good news is, I'm mostly back. The bad news is, school starts up again on Monday. Yep, I'm taking summer classes, to try and finish off more of my generals. I'll have more DB time, but not as much as I'm used to. So, in light of that fact, I'm opening up a non-official, purely option comment thread here: would you prefer me to resign, so a more active SHW can step up? Feel free to be brutal, honest, etc. No, you won't hurt my feelings, yes, I'm sincere.
Secondly: As far as gaming nights and Tournaments go, for Tuesdays, Thursdays and the bi-weekly Sunday Tournaments, you need to be using the "Submit Tournament Scores" link. This link is the one that sends scores to the spreadsheet. "Submit Other Scores" isn't being used as an option at this time. I know, it's a bit misleading, and that has been brought up before, and will likely garner a name change. But I've announced this before, and Summits, it'd help if you made sure your people got information like this. As much as I'd like for everyone to read the news page, and remember things, we all know, that doesn't happen. Please, make sure the members know what they need to be doing.
Thirdly: I've mentioned before that I was going to mess with the Sith Order rank names/structure, and have done so. I'm going to get the actual document/information up tomorrow, but suffice it to say, I'm opening the changes up for one week of feedback before I submit it to Jac for official approval/use. My inspiration for this was a simple idea: The Sith Order reveres the Dark Lord as a deified individual. The fact that he's also the Grand Master is secondary. As such, the Order is likened unto his "choirs of angels." Yeah, I know, religious. But in a way, I thought that appropriate. The Sith would be like zealots, fanatical about their loyalty, and servitude to the Dark Lord. And, in turn, the Dark Lord would see them as his servants, his dark angels, the extension of his will.
Only one rank name was changed, but each rank now makes up a "chorus" that bears an angelic/demonic name for those at that rank. This is also being used in tandem with an idea for rank-specific abilities; no, that is not a part of Order Powers. it's similar, yes, but not in a large way. No, rank-specific abilities will not be Sith-only, and will not be released, because the Krath and Obelisk abilities still need to be decided upon. However, the following are the intended rank/chorus names:
Sith Warriors (the Shedim)
Sith Warmasters (the Abraxas)
Sith Warlords (the Dominion)
Sith Seraph (the Seraphim)
Just FYI, the new acronym for Seraph will be SER, not SS. If you have to wonder why, go take a course on World War II. Or, go ask one of our informed persons, such as Oberst, Donitz, or otherwise.
I've also been working on a new Sith History, a revamped Sith Core (and Advanced Core), and more. No, that stuff isn't completed, or ready for being released. We will continue working on it, and if you decide you'd prefer a new SHW, all of my stuff will be turned over to him/her for their continuation. I have had several offers from people to assist with these projects, and I will likely be contacting people about those offers.
Anyhoo, I apologize for my absence, and for the delay in the medals from last Tournament; no, I didn't forget about them. :) I just submitted the medal recommends, in fact, and they should be to you shortly. I did however, forget about the "Greatest Warrior" judging from last month; I apologize for that. I'll get in touch with Mav, make sure he has the stories, and we'll get those results to you ASAP. This month's Warrior was Cybey, and I hope to get some stories for that, to give to him for his reading enjoyment.
Have a productive weekend, and I hope to see people out to the Tournament tomorrow.
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I have to agree - you are doing a great job as SHW. Real life takes up some of everyone's time, but you have done exemplary work in your position and should be afforded the benefit of the doubt. If you can still make some time for the DB, then I encourage you to remain as SHW, because the initiatives and projects you've run have been a tremendous step forward for the Sith Order. I have no doubt that what you have coming will also improve the Order tremendously.
At the end of the day, you're worth keeping around. House Summits that sit around doing nothing but plan an eventual event should be terminated; leaders who benefit their unit, however, should be afforded the chance to further improve things.
Enough of this you no longer being SHW talk. It would be a shame if I had to beat you to death.
Everyone has other things going on, and I know your doing a hell of a job. So just sit back down in the SHW seat your going to be there awhile. :-P
About being SHW, I think you've done great. I'm not even a member of the Sith Order, but I do see you do quite a number of reports, run competitios, and you are around a good bit. If you still have time for the DB and a desire to lead your Order, by all means go ahead. Doing a great job man. =)
You're doing a fine job of being the SHW. So what if school is taking up some of your time, it's taking up a lot of people's time. Don't you dare quit, or as your Royal Guardsmen, I'll have to hunt you down and kill you! You do great work, and this new restructuring of the sith order is just proof of that. Don't give up yet man!
Oh and if things get hard for awhile, you have a good staff to help out. Past that, I'm sure others would be glad to lend a hand with anything you need help with. I would.
Oh and if things get hard for awhile, you have a good staff to help out. Past that, I'm sure others would be glad to lend a hand with anything you need help with. I would.
So long as you check your email twice per week and respond to everything, you should keep your job.
And when are you going to formally advance the XwA Tournament?
Mate, you're a legend of a SHW so keep your job. It makes us Sith look good :P
Your Tarentae, and they never quit....We all have stuff going on in our lives, now stay put and enjoy..Youve done a fine job, and it would be a big shame if you left us!
ties BF to his chair You're going nowhere, we need you around!
But.. Seraph? Please no, that's so... wrong in my ears. Remind me of too many other, non-SW-ish things. I don't really get why we keep using existing titles and don't simply make some up - Darth is something only in the SW universe, too.
The new rank and your general idea sucks. Sorry to put it this way, BF, but you asked to be sincere. Putting up the Sith on the same level as agensl is just wrong. The deifying is generall a nice idea, though. Keep working on it!
Um...yeah the people have spoken you stay.
If we want you out you will informed, we don't so shut up and sit down!
I think we should go back to the Pred idea.
Pred Warrior
Pred WarMaster
Pred Warlord
Sounds cool to me :)
Well as for you remaining in your position I think the only one who can answer that is you. If you determine you are not able to dedicate the time necessary to do your job then you may need to reconsider your position. That said up until recently I have been pleased with your performance, but I can understand that RL can sometimes make things difficult.
I think you still have some unfinished business :P XWA tournament and personal fighter lists PLEASE.
As for the new rank changes, well personally I dont like the name. Though I can appreciate your thinking behind it. I would have liked to see a rank that reflects the nature of the Sith. But thats just me.
Seraph sound catolic, not SW. It is silly. Pontifes is to much catolic, to. Make some SW things no copys.