Presenting: Celebration III


Presenting: Celebration III


Two weeks ago a bunch of DBers had a great time in Indianapolis by attending Star Wars Celebration III. It was a huge convention filled with lots of displays, costumes, shows and stores. I went and had a blast looking at everything. The best part was meeting and hanging out with Telona. Naturally, I took lots and lots of pictures.

Pyralis has helped out Telona and I a ton by making a website for us to display our CIII adventure. I'd like to thank Pyr for all of his hard work on this. It was really something that was above and beyond the call.

Go check out our pictures. As soon as exams are over I'm going to finish a wrte-up about the things I saw there.

Just as a side note -- yes there is a picture of me at the EH booth. No, I didn't kill anyone. Yes, I went to Hooters with them. No, I didn't agree to go back tot eh EH. Yes, They were cool. No, I didn't try to deficate in the booth. Yes, I did tell a bunch of their "customers" to go to the DB site.


LOL at the never-ending side note haha.
Looks like I missed a great time :(

you shoulda slipped the EH guys some of our flyers. Taped them all over the booth and then on all of the people dressed in Jedi costumes robes... Wait I did that! Heh glad you had a good time...
Why didn't we have a booth?

I can only see Telona's pics and the first from Jac's as it won't forward ;(

Gosh the strange costumes section had me wonder...

Hey guys. Let me know if anyone else has trouble viewing the Jac pics. Also, let me know if they work OK for you, too. Part of the trouble may be because the files are so much larger than Telona's. The script works the exact same way as Telona's. I can always reduce their size if enough people have an issue with it. E-mail me with hate mail, etc: :P

Jac's pictures load a bit slower for me, but I can see both sets without much of a problem. I have noticed that a couple of times I had to click on the forward button 5-6 times before it would actually go to the next picture.

Yeah after a browser restart, they load for me, just very very slowly. But I am not in a hurry :o)

Telona looks cool but too Lightie!

they all work for me. I wish could have gone :(

Hey if anyone has any questions about the pictures I'll be more than happy to answer. Oh and yes I am a nice person IRL. Heh, I'm the one that suggested Hooter's for dinner. :P

loaded and viewed just fine for me.....

but the pics looked good too.....and lady t and jac what a combination!!! :P

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