New Commander of the Guard


New Commander of the Guard

Hello Everyone,

Unfortunately, due to real life getting in the way, Jasru hasn't been able to do as much for the Guard as he had hoped. It's a shame, because he had a lot of good ideas, but the time has come for us to choose someone new.

I didn't open this up for applications because I knew exactly who I wanted for the spot. The biggest thing I was looking for in the spot is someone who has initiative and can work without any guidance from me or Mav. I really want the guard to take off and I think under the new CoG's leadership, it can and will.

So please join me in thanking Sharad Hett for taking on the task of rebuilding the guard. Sharad has a track record of excellent service and will do a great job as my personal bodyguard.

Congratulations, Shar!

Congratulations, Sharad. Go get em. :P

Congrats Sharad.

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