It is my GREAT pleasure today to offer to you a new layout for our current website. Goatham suggested the idea to me a few days ago that we should make a new design in honor of the release of Episode Three.
So, I enlisted the support of the ever most talented Cyris Oscura to help in making the design. As you'll be able to see, Cyris did a fantastic job in the design of the site. We've even made it with three different colors to represent the orders.
I am ever appreciative of Cyris's efforts on this. He is working with me on a lot of projects and I am waiting to give him a big reward once we progress further. In the meantime, please say thanks to him for a job well done.
To set your layout and see the other colors, or to go back to the old layout, please click on the "layout options" link in the nav bar.
UPDATE: A few people have asked me to list the people respondible for this new layout, so here ya go: Credit where Credit is due.
Goat: came up with the idea and told Jaccy Jac
Cyris: On very short notice came up with a kick ass design
Jac: Cut up the design, programmed it, made the changes for the order layouts
Kaiann: Suggested the layout for different orders, helped debug implementation and gave suggestions
Mav: Gave good suggestions for some changes.
Lord Cotelin
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me like. :)
wipes up the drool
Dude...that is a lot more darker than the last one, i love it! :-)
Great Job to all involved!
Lets Celebrate. /me passes the balloons and noise makers around!
Yay. Beats the old site by far!
Very nice. Now where's the Jedi layout for the "alternatives" out there? :)
W00t! Cyris rocks. Jac rocks. Everybody rocks. Yay!
And ROTS seriously rocks.
Looks absolutely awesome. Great work.
Finally, a place where dark jedi live... nice and dreary - good job!
This is so awesome. No offence Chi, but Cyris pwned your layout.
Well I'm really glad you all like it, its great to know people liked your stuff.
Naytheless, I'm not the only one to thank, I may have brought the visuals, but Jac sliced this baby up and got it running, so he's got as much credit. We've had a great time making it though.
Well I'm really glad you all like it, its great to know people liked your stuff.
Naytheless, I'm not the only one to thank, I may have brought the visuals, but Jac sliced this baby up and got it running, so he's got as much credit. We've had a great time making it though.
Well then, Yay to Goat, Jac, Cyris, Mav, and Kaiann. This is AWESOME!
Awesome job! Finally this place is starting to look evil :P
I am honored to be apart of this community for it to have an awesome layout dedicated to the rise of Lord Vader and the Emperor.
wow, simply wow :D
Good job, it looks great :)