DSC Awards section and website award images updated


DSC Awards section and website award images updated

Just FYI to everyone who was asking about this: I've udated the DSC and webiste medal images to reflect the new medals.


<3 Jac 'nuff said.

Oh and what's a webist? "Polite" word for Net Nerd?

Yay! Not to be a thorn in your side, but you forgot to get the StA updated on the roster pages. Cool new images!

Hmmm....on the StA, the description does not match the graphic anymore, methinks.

if the image is not showing properly: hit refresh. :P

So its NOT supposed to be an icky black thing? I liked it colorful... and no amount of refreshing will change the look to the normal (old?) look.

Well, the medal is the Star of Antei - Antei is a black star... ergo, the medal would also be black.

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