June 11, ICTE Results


June 11, ICTE Results

Greetings. We had a very successful ICTE, yesterday. I'm very proud of the large turnout we had - 27 participants! That's more than any previous ICTE since October of last year. Furthermore, we broke the record for most CFs awarded overall - about 250 CFs for one event.

Cr-1A : Blazer Mortis (Clan Plagueis) with 51 CFs, w/l: 39-11
Cr-1S : Cyris Oscura (Clan Plagueis) with 27 CFs, w/l: 14-13, and
Cr-1E : Duga Arkarso (Clan Taldryan) with 24 CFs, w/l: 13-4

We had a ton of team games too. The Clusters of Fire flowed freely for those, one of the matches earning each winner 4.5 CFs and each victim 1.5 CFs. Everyone should play more team games mind trick! Add those CF upgrades to your ID line!

Please find the ICTE website updated with the DB's public servers as well as a new uploaded spreadsheet here: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/

Dark Adept Pyralis

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