The ICTE, though not full of all the 1v1s we had last week, was still very engaging. While we only had 46 1v1s, we managed to score 6 TFFAs and 5 CTFs - the average team size was 3 players. The team matches were awesome. 70% of the 220 CFs were earned from team matches alone. So, we broke a record for most team matches played. That was cool.
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"><caption align="left" style="font-size:12px">ICTE Crescents:</caption><tr><td height="30"></td><td><span style="color:#660099; font-weight:bold">Cr-1A</span>: Kraval Novir of Taldryan: 41 CFs (ALL-STAR)</td></tr><tr><td height="30">
</td><td><span style="color:#3300FF; font-weight:bold">Cr-1S</span>: Duga Arkarso of Taldryan: 29 CFs</td></tr><tr><td height="30">
</td><td><span style="color:#009900; font-weight:bold">Cr-1E</span>: Chaosrain of Taldryan: 26 CFs</td></tr></table>
Taldryan swept this competition, earning 50% of the total CFs.
ICTE: has been updated with the new spreadsheet. Come to #outerrim next Saturday, July 2. We'll be playing all day - i.e. all 24 hours of Saturday. Only July 9th and 16th, Duga Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) aka Duga
will be running the show from 1pm EST until people stop playing around midnight in #outerrim. To find out how to get to #outerrim on the mIRC undernet servers, go to the IRC/Chat guide here:
Dark Adept Pyralis [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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I'd encourage folks to come out for the team matches, tffa and ctf. They are truly amazing. No matter if you win or lose, it's great. So much fun.
I need something explained....
I earned 27 cf's for ICTE, and 27 matches played
Duga had 11 cf's 11matches played
Kraval 21 cf's 21 matches
chaos 9 cf's 9matches
and for the record...I had 9 wins 18 losses.....and Chaos got 3rd for ICTE with 7-2 record.
I can understand Kraval 20-1. Even Duga had a 9-2 record.....
explain to me why I didnt see 2nd place in my hands.....I was tied for the wins with Duga...and had 16 more matches....
Duga had 9-2 win/loss and 27.5 cf's
Kraval had 20-1 win/loss and 41.5 cf's
Chaos had 7-2 winloss and 26.5 cf's
is there something with win/loss....or cf's that decides ICTE all-star......
because i thought it was most matches, and or most wins vs loss ratio?
Smoke20 9-18 win/loss and 22.5 cf's
May I remind everyone that the nature of the ICTE is to rank people by the number of CFs they earn and a minimum number of different opponents - not their win/loss ratio.
Team matches are awarded a far larger proportion of CFs compared to 1v1s.
For example. If I were to play 17 1v1 matches and win all of them, I would earn 17 CFs.
Now, if Kraval, who might have played in 4 5vs4 matches and was a part of the winning team in each of them, he would earn 4.5 (9/2) CFs for each win, giving him a total of 18 CFs. Kraval ranks higher and therefore wins against me, who played many more matches but chose only 1v1 match-types.
Kraval played in a very large number of team matches and also won a great many of them - this is why he earned 40+ CFs for playing in only 20ish matches...
Oh. By the way. Here's a generic example for how i calculate CFs... This is the way CFs are calculated in all other DB events, too...
If I play a 1vs1, there are two players...
Winner receives: 2/2 = 1 CF
Loser receives: 2/6 = 0.33 CFs
If I play in a 3vs4, there are 6 players.
Each winner receives: 7/2 = 3.5 CFs
Each loser receives: 7/6 = 1.17 CFs
If I play in a "x vs y" match, there are (x+y) players.
Each winner receives: (x+y)/2 CFs
Each loser receives: (x+y)/6 CFs
thanks for the clairification