Chi's Departure


Chi's Departure

Greetings everyone,

As most of you should know by now, Grand Master Chi Long has decided to leave the DB. He was a part of a conflict with two members that was not resolved to his liking; rather than see the CoJ process the conflict, he has decided that he can no longer be a part of this club.

Chi has requested, as is his right, that all images in use that he authored be removed from the DB. He is invoking this right as due our policy here.

The DC is working to remove these images as per the request. Unfortunately, one of those images happens to be the main portions of the new website's layout. I'll have more detail on that later.

By order of my office, no one is to harass Chi about this situation. Anything to the contrary will be looked at by the CoJ.


It is unfortunate that some of our most valued members do not have fate in our CoJ, some members think that our DC members play favoritism and that is far from the truth. I had my rub with the CoJ more than once, the longer I have been in the DB the more I realize how much I was wrong when I first started. FGM Chi-Long was not every body's favorite person but he was an important that contributed much to our DB. I hope he would reconsider his request and maybe just take a leave of absence to vent out any missunderstanding that could of caused him such anger.

His loss will certainly be felt - he did a tremendous job at reviving Clan Exar Kun, certainly a better one than I thought possible. His successes with Clan Plagueis are a further testament to his abilities, and I hope that he will one day return.

I know I'll miss Chi being around, he was the GM that appointed me to the DC, the first time, and created the SCL Office for me to work on the DB site. I hope to see you around still Fae. :-)

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