Allegiance this weekend!


Allegiance this weekend!

That's right, we're going to be doing it again this weekend. Come be a part of it. There's been a lot of people who downloaded the game this week, so we should have enough people to fill up teams. If you have it, come play. If your Clanmates have it, invite and encourage them to attend. We're going to be working on games Saturday and Sunday, so there should be plenty of opportunities to play and have some fun.

Firefox has a public server up, so we'll utilize that, and we'll see about getting Ben's server up, too, so that we can have that option for people, as well. We'll see what we can do about training, and getting people accustomed to the game, but it only works if you're there. We'll be looking towards a game right after the meeting if we have the people, so remember, 1 PM EST is the meeting time, and we'd like you to be around for that, so we can get a count on people, and get in-game ASAP after the meeting is over.

Summits, encourage people to attend. Thanks guys. Hope to see all of you there!

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