Greetings once again,
Now it is my pleasure to award Telona Murrage for her service to the Brotherhood.
Telona has been serving as Krath High Priestess for almost four months now. It seems time flies around here -- I remember it as yesterday when Alanna left the spot. Telona had some big shoes to fill, and I think she has adapted quite well to her new job.
Telona is a very steady leader. I like that her activities are well-organized and well-executed. She has a passion for the order and for the Brotherhood at large, emulating the qualities that have always brought about great High Priestesess in the past. I am encouraged by her, and the Krath order as a whole -- activities like the Debate Competition are great new avenues for the DB to take.
Telona has always been quick with my requests. Her reports come in on time, and she volunteers for things that need support from the Dark Council members. I wish we could clone her a few times, personally.
Today I award Telona a Ruby Sceptre for her continued service to the Order and to the Brotherhood. Congratulations, Telona. Keep up the excellent work.
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Wohooo for Telona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good job Lonnieloo!!! Keep up the awesome work. This is well-deserved!
Yay Telona! Its everyones faaaaaaavorite Dark Mistress! Now she has a sceptre!
Telona! Yay for you. First of all, I love your reports. Just gotta say that right now. Beyond that, most of your work is behind the scenes, just as it's always been. I can personally attest to what Jac says about how prompt you are on everything. I remember you were one of the first (long before others) to submit the DC position handbook for KHP. Your decisions are well-thought and calculated, and I think you have a great vision for your position and I can't wait to see more in the future.
Congrats! This Sceptre is well deserved :)
Congrats Lady T...Job well done!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Telona. We Krath rule!
Congrats and great job, Telona. :-)
Ruby sceptre, eh ? Better watch out, everyone, she's got a mean right-hand strike with that thi*CLONK*
chirping birds, candles, stars, the whole stuff you'd expect to see in a good comic strip
Yeah, gratz, Lonnie :)
Congrats Telona :)
Actually it was Alanna who had the KHP manual done. I just added more to it when asked.