I have saved this award as one of the last because Pyralis has had a very big influence on me personally. He and I have a working relationship and friendship that are unique in many ways.
Pyralis has perhaps the strongest sense of professionalism that I have ever witnessed int he DB. His work is untouchable by most; the time that he puts into writing, editing and formatting all of his work makes for a truly unique outcome. Over the summer, Pyralis and I have been passing documents back and forth through email and we have developed quite a system. He started with the Proposals course, moved to working on the decrees, and is working on the Alacrity. That is outside of his duties in managing the ICTE -- I'm sure you've all seen the work that he's put into that.
It's hard to explain why Pyr and I work so well together, but I can very well guarantee that without his emails, IRC chats and prodding, there would be a lot less to show for this summer. Pyralis knows how I work and knows where to go with projects. What I like most is his uncanny question: "What's Next?" Every time that something is finished, Pyralis is looking for instructions on the next job. It works perfectly with the way I work as GM, since I finish one thing and then immediately move onto the next item waiting in queue.
As an adviser, Pyralis imparts wise opinions. I think I like it because we agree on a lot, develop the idea, and then give it to others for the different angle. We expound on what the other is thinking. Truly, Pyralis and I have found that we agree on 95% of things.
Pyralis is humble as well. He puts my name on some documents, even though he knows very well that he wrote the majority and I just edited and put in opinions. Pyralis would probably even think he doesn't deserve recognition, but I could not let my flooding of the news page go by without recognizing him.
I think the DB is blessed to have Pyr around -- he is one of the driving members of this club and I hope that we can continue our productivity for a long while. Most of all though, Pyralis is a good friend to all that know him.
For all that he does, I hereby award Pyralis with his very own Diamond Sword.
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Congratulations, Pyr. I too have been able to see how you work with these major projects and it is nothing less than astounding. You go above and beyond with everything you do - even driving others to that same height of excellence. It is truly a rare talent you posess and I look forward to continue working with you in the DB. Once again - Congrats!!
Yay Pyr! He was my master, don'cha know. Im so very proud... Indeed, I am.
A fitting ending for a day that has seen more major reward than any one in the Brotherhood before. Congrats, Pyralis!
Congrats Ol' Grumpy Bear...good work!!!
Wohooo for the Diamond Sword.
Congratulations Pyralis. Nice sword. :)