Today, Tarentum honors two of its members by recognizing their talents and skills that have been put to use to help improve their house and the clan. For both of these members, this was something that was long overdue and their continued activity despite this is amazing.
Therefore, with approval from the Clan Tarentum leadership and the Master at Arms, I hereby publicly announce that Frosty Romanae and Windos have met all requirements and are henceforth to be known as Dark Jedi Knights, with all the rights, honors, and privileges that come with this honor.
The actual recommendations submitted to the database are as follows:
DJK Windos:
Windos has proven himself to be a loyal and dedicated member of HouseGladius and of Clan Tarentum. Since joining Gladius he instantly leapt
into a new, active circle namely the circle he know leads with great distinction and zeal, the Keepers of the Night Circle. Since joining the Keepers Circle Windos's constant activity has indeed been exceptional always helping and leading by example always participating in Brotherhood wide and house events. So great has his dedication been to Clan, House, Brotherhood and Battle Team that the decision has been taken that he does not need to complete all his trials to become a Jedi Knight as is the tradition in Tarentum such is the dedication and selflessness that he shows to his Clan brothers. Windos my friend, it is long past time you took up your sabre and used it to further the cause of Tarentum.
-SBM Welshman Corsair Tarentae
DJK Frosty Romanae:
Frosty since you came to Gladius I knew you were destined for great things. Forming a circle scant days into the new multi-order Gladius you forged a unit that quickly established itself as the unit to beat in Tarentum, always participating in gaming evenings and always coming out of it dozens of medals the better. You lead this team with distinction for many a month until our then QUA Anshar left Gladius for the PCON spot when I became the QUA I knew I wanted you as my AED due to your positive nature and excellent activity to make you a figure head of what being a member in
the House should be. Due to the amount of commitment you have shown and the activity you have placed in the hands of Tarentum you should be of a higher rank then Jedi Hunter and it is testimony to your character that you have never grumbled or complained merely carried on with blistering performance and gained glory in the eyes of many. As such it has been decided that Trials are redundant for you as there is nothing more they can prove about you. Take up your sabre my friend and bare it with pride in service to your Clan.
-SBM Welshman Corsair Tarentae
"I've had the pleasure of working with Frosty since he joined the Brotherhood. He jumped right into things, amazing me with his level of
activity and his friendly, open personality. To say these things haven't changed is an understatement. Frosty's activity continues on,
often being a top participant in many events. IF everyone in the DB was as open and welcoming as he was, then my job as KCB would be much smaller and simpler. Frosty has also shown great leadership skills, from his humble beginning as my rollmaster, to a battle team leader, and now as Aedile of House Gladius, I've seen Frosty grow into the roles of member, leader, and mentor. There are few, if any, more deserving of a promotion to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight."
~DA Anshar Kahn Tarentae
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Uh... good work Windos.
Frosty is getting too powerful, though. I'll have to slay him...
I take those nice words I said back, I mean will the DB ever be the same or as safe with Windos running around with a sabre????? ;)
Nah seriously guys well done you deserve it :)
Ph33r the snowman!
Ph33r the snowman!
Ph33r the snowman!
Ph33r the snowman!
Why the hell did that appeared 4 times?! o.0 Sorry.
Dunno, but you're onto your 5th post, j00 st00pid kn1ght! :P Congrats nonetheless
Welcome to the club windows and frosty, and congrats!
Congratulations to both of you.
Windos you have proven yourself to me time and time again.
I don't know any one more deserving of this promotion.
Congrats again m8
Now why wasn't something like this done for me when i got promoted? Oh well :P
Well, imagine if this was done for every knight in the DB? We'd constantly be flooded by those kinds of announcements, thus it would quickly push down important news and events.
Congratulations Frosty and Windos! New knights in darkness. Always cool to hear about.
also, just as a question anshar, why did u post in the DB news page about these two getting DJK? im not saying that they didnt deserve it and im not deaming them in any way, im just wondering why.
Because it's newsworthy, and every Clan has the right to do so. Some simply choose not to. Tarentum and Naga Sadow take the opportunities to do so whenever they can.
Good job Frosty and Windos.
I look forward to the fun and learning time with you as my master Windos :P