GMRG Update


GMRG Update

I will be opening the GMRG up for invitations on Monday, August 15th. The invite guidelines are on the GMRG website. Only Guardsmen with the rank of Sentinel I or higher will be able to issue invites (currently thats just two people).

Until I can get the new ranking system and the loyalty system coded into I'll be updating the roster on with everyone's current rank and loyalty score. It's .html so updates will probably be infrequent at best... but it's better than nothing :P

GMRG competition #1 is supposed to end today... but I'll extend the deadline until Sunday (August 14th). The tentative value for participating in this competition is set at 25 loyalty... which is effectively a free promotion from Crusader to Sentinel I. You can find the details for the comp on the GMRG website.

Will there be any points handed out to those who have been active in MP as well?

Please view the GMRG website at:

The roster of the GMRG has been updated to reflect the rank and loyalty points that current members have received.

Halc, starting monday ill be awarding loyalty for multiplayer matches.

So far I just awarded 25 loyalty for GMRG Competition #1 and 25 loyalty for participating in any team game last weekend.

Gah...and I just played over 7 TFFA's last tuesday... :'(

Yeah but youre not even in the GMRG... so why would those matches count for Loyalty anyway?

I'm not going to retroactively count matches from before people even became Guardsmen... thats silly... stupid even :P

How can someone get into the GMRG?
Sounds interesting :)

no no no, Khobai, you misunderstand me :) I was stating that, those would've helped me alot IF I was in the GMRG. But I'm not in the GMRG, so it was a loss to me.

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