Duga will be running things for both tomorrow's ICTE and the one on August 20th. He will be compiling the results and awarding CFs, also. Both days, he will run the ICTE from about noon until midnight, Eastern Time, in #outerrim.
Anyone who plays Allegiance, XvT, or XWA matches will receive a bonus number of CFs for each match they play. As you know, Khobai is organizing some Allegiance matches in #GMRG as well. Duga will announce these in #outerrim so that they can count for the ICTE.
If you are new to the ICTE and would like to learn more, go here: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com
If you have no idea what IRC is, go here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp
Have fun, and blow stuff up!
DA Pyralis
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