Brotherhood Families and Clan Names – Census


Brotherhood Families and Clan Names – Census

A new census is being undertaken to catalogue non-formal organizational units within the Brotherhood. These groups are traditionally called ‘families’ even though some of them have nothing to do with familial ties. A while ago, the Dark Council agreed on rules and regulations that Brotherhood families would have to abide by. They also agreed on the definition of a family which is as follows:

We will hereby define a "family" within the Dark Brotherhood to be a social grouping of individuals (possibly both DB members or non DB members) who are connected by a common surname, credo, school of study, or other societal group (excluding official Brotherhood organizational units), created for the purpose of enhancing role-playing and character depth.

Brotherhood families have never been fully catalogued and many have risen and fallen with time. However, that is now about to change. In conjunction with the Herald’s office, the office of the Master At Arms will now be conducting a census of any and all families and other non-formal organizational units within the Brotherhood.

At this time, I would like for all family representatives to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and include their information. Minimally, I would like the name of your family and a list of all your members. If you have other documents, however, you are free to send them along as well. These include family back stories, crests, special considerations – anything you might happen to have. It is extremely important that you disclose as much information as possible since many of the previously established family regulations will be enforced in the near future and there are a lot of perks for those families that qualify for official status.

It has been noted that some families lack the criteria to be considered ‘official’ families and that they therefore do not need to submit their information to me. It is correct that not all families will be official – the Herald will get to make that decision and he will be getting all the information I get – but even if your family is unofficial, you must submit your information to me. The Master At Arms’ office is interested in keeping a complete record of even small unofficial groups. If you are not sure about whether or not you should submit your information, please do not hesitate to ask me.

In addition to this census, the Master At Arms’ office would like for every Clan Consul to email a list of the current Clan name holders to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. We will be using this list in the rare case that any dispute about Clan names arises in the future and for official Brotherhood records.

In summation, if you’re in a family, I need your family representative to send me the name of the family and a roster and any other information. Additionally, Consuls need to send me a list of their Clan name holders. Thank you!

Sith Warlord Syn Kaek
Praetor to the Master At Arms

Whats the minimum number of people to be considered a family?

I believe the document released by Jac a few months ago stated you needed 4 or 5 plus a family "leader"/spokesman. This spokesman needs to be at the OE/KE/SBL level.

Those rules are correct, but they do not apply for this census. If you have a family of at least 3 people and you might possibly expand in the future, I would like to know about it.

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