It is with great pleasure and honour that I bestow upon two long-serving and dedicated Arconans the title of di Tenebrous Arconae: Krath Epis Denath Ciarus and Alex dÂ’Tana.
Denath had previously been granted this title, but had moved onto another Clan, forfeiting the honour. Since his return however, he has thrown himself into rebuilding House Qel-Droma and making the hard decisions to ensure both the House and the Clan prosper.
Alex was a veteran of the Clan before I ever joined the Dark Brotherhood, veterans of the Clan praising his past roles while I praise him for his continued dedication and activity. He has asked only to help, looking for no reward or praise. He came back during our time of need, picking us up and pushing us forward. No one who has seen this Clan grow over the years questions his loyalty.
These decisions have been made by the entire family of di Tenebrous Arconae, and we all offer our congratulations!
**Dark Side Adept Corran Halcyon Arconae
di Tenebrous Arconae**
Praetor to the Combat Master
Knight Class Envoy
Guardsman of the Master at Arms
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Go Denath and Alex! Wooooo! Yaaaaaaaaaay!
A round of applause for Denath and Alex
Claps like a loon
Congratulations to both!
Congrats DenathDhakLaethan;p and Alex!
Wow. Way to go D'hak and Alex. You two have been around longer than most of Clan Arcona's leadership, including Halc, I believe. A fitting reward for many years of service throughout Arcona's long past. Congrats!
Technically Pyr, I've been active in Arcona longer than -anyone- else, but who else is counting? :P lol
Thank you for the name, Halcyon, hopefully this wont herald a deja vu of last November.
Technically Pyr, I've been active in Arcona longer than -anyone- else, but who else is counting? :P lol
Thank you for the name, Halcyon, hopefully this wont herald a deja vu of last November.
Dont double post noob.
Woohoo! Congratulations to both of ya!!