Assassinate the Jac Results


Assassinate the Jac Results

I finally finished reviewing all of the submissions. I was particularly amused by the fact that over half the entries portrayed Mav as an afeminate sissy.

The four grading criteria were:
1. quality of writing/graphics
2. amusement/humor
3. ingenuity & creativity
4. overall badassness/coolness/style.

Plus the two bonus criteria of killing Mav and making Jac suffer.

The Winners:
Tied 1st Place: Chaosrain (Best Graphical Submission)
Tied 1st Place: Pyralis (Best Writing Submission)
2nd Place: Schisca
3rd Place: Ma'ar-Tyrius Tarentae

Thanks to everyone who submitted... most of the entries were hilarious. I'll see if I can post some of them up on the GMRG website.

I didn't win?! wtf? All my hard work for nothing? :P

Sucks to be you :P

:(((( Chaos killed Jac's off! :(

Congrats guys :P

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