


...I could be writing a CNS style appointment notice here, I won't. Quick and briefly:

For excellent and consistent help in the LH office, SBL Welshman Corsair Tarentae is herewith formally appointed into the LH staff as Magistrate to the Lord Hegemon.

Thanks and to a great time!

LH Kaiann Yetaru Entar

A sheepish congrats to you Welshy!

And therefore we are all thankful, Kaiann :o)

Yeah Welsh is a great help. We just have to ignore all the sheep running around and eating our notes.

I'm less concerned about the eating, it's more the... erm... side effects of eating :)

Oh, shit...

The right word I think :P And anyway, your ntoes might be inside them you just have to get looking....

And thanks for the congrats :)

Arania said the s word. I want her prosecuted by the CoJ.

Welshy, what are ntoes? Some RPG artefact? :p


Congratz Welshboy!

/me invades Syrus' place.

May the goats be with you? Congrats Welsh!

Congrats Welshay!

Congrats Welshay!

Congrats Welshman!

/me jumps into Syrus' place, throwing a Commie Cookie at Syrus along the way.

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