Web Site Status Update


Web Site Status Update


Some updates and changes to report...

<li>Order Leaders,Cons,PCons,Quas,Aeds, Battle Team Leaders can now Recommend Medals/promos/etc.</li>
<li>Battle Team Administration for Quas/Aeds now available</li>
<li>Promotion recommendation now asks for the rank you wish to recommend... this is to solve the problem with people being recommended for wrong Ranks</li>

Additionally, for everyone's knowledge,
One of the enhancements added by the recoding is the ability to draw any page on the site without the layout.
So for all you web designers in the group, if you want to draw any page on the site without the main navigation bar, or header graphics, just use the link as you normally would, and add "hdr=False" as a paramter to it...


This will take you to my profile without showing the graphics or nav bar... have fun with it.

DA Grail SoulChaser (Sith)/SCL

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