Notice of Elevation


Notice of Elevation

WHEREAS on this the Sixteenth Day of September of the Two Thousand and Fifth Year of the Dark Side, His Immortal Excellency, Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick, Knight First Class; Son of Sadow, and Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi does hereby issue the following Decree:

AND WHEREAS Syrus Korodin of House Bane of Clan Plagueis has fulfilled the requirements for elevation in Rank according to the Covenant of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi, and the Traditions of the Elders of the Dark Side.

THEREFORE, by the Power vested in me by His Highness, Darth Cotelin, Dark Lord of the Sith, Lord of the Star Chamber, and Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi, I do hereby elevate Syrus Korodin to the Rank of Dark Jedi Hunter of the Journeyman Class with all Rights, Privelages, and Responsibilities included therein.

Signed and Sealed,

His Immortal Excellency, Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Irad Caerick, Knight First Class; Son of Sadow

Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi; Consul Emeritus of Clan Naga Sadow

Shan Long, Apprentice of Lord Chi Long; Secunda Marked of the Wanderer

Baron of the Du'san Boundary; Lord of Kalekka Tower


Congratz Syrus


Good job you mispelled clone! :P heheh


My little Syrus is all growed up.

-gives the Commie a cookie-

Congrats. ;)

1) Congratz to my former apprentice.

2) Do we really need a news message about a promotion to JH? Many elevations to much higher, and harder to gain, rankings are not posted here. I am happy for Syrus, but I do not understand why it has been posted on the news.

This Elevation was posted to the domain because I chose to post it. If you have a problem with that, feel free to email me at to express your displeasure.

I will continue to post every promotion that I make in this manner. So don't ever bother complaining about it when I do. If you were the one getting promoted, you would not complain.


congrats young hunter, but where u trev when i got promoted to DJK? are you gonna make news posts about everyone who gets little promotions, or just for certain people?

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