You may or may not have noticed Jac's small news post about Mav's LoA, so I wanted to just quickly clarify for everyone. While Mav is gone, Pyralis and I are picking up what slack we can. Because Mav was an IRC presence that could speak with authority on any subject - that obviously leaves a hole in the system.
With a Rite of Supremacy currently running (along with other, day-to-day issues), I have decided to temporarily suspend my leadership of Taldryan to remain as impartial (and helpful) as possible. Shadow will be activity leading Clan Taldryan in his office as Proconsul.
So if you have issues that need resolving that involve the RoS or anything else, you can contact me on IRC (look for Kir|Away or Kir
- leave me a message if I'm not there) or via email at Whites11783 at I can speak with authority on most subjects, and if not I can get you an answer quickly. I hope this helps.
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I say boo just because of the fact that you shouldn't have to "suspend" your position as Consul. You're not really a biased person, anyways. You want Taldryan to succeed, but you still know how to separate yourself from that when you need to. Anyone who thinks you'd abuse the current situation can suck a pickle. :P
Behold! Get your fresh pickles here! Fresh supply n sale for the occasion! Only 9.99$!! :P
heheh kidding. I shall visit you right away tonight and give you one of my weekly H8 the DB rants! Beware! :D lol
you treterious bastard :P have fun with all that mav stuff
*treacherous, Kraval. You give us Sith a bad name :P
what do mean by that pyr?
wait never mind pyr, and how does that give us a bad name? incase you've forgotten, we sith dont do the whole writting scene :P
RE: above: Obviously. Though I thought we weren't playing the Order stereotypes anymore...
Anyhow - Wouldn't it be obvious that the P:DGM would act as the DGM in his absence? Or is it that the specific nature of what you'll be handling is of a specific importance above the usual P:DGM stuff?
Kir's role as P:DGM has always been to help out the DGM when appropriate.
However, while Mav is gone, Kir will be adopting some of Mav's duties and authority, helping to act as an interim DGM.
Kraval, a true master of the dark side learns disciplines beyond his current order. :P