Leadership Manual: Acquiring New Members


Leadership Manual: Acquiring New Members

The Leadership Manuals found here: http://alacrity.darkjedibrotherhood.com/ are a part of the "Alacrity of the Commander" series. When complete, the series will be an exhaustive resource for leaders, covering every single aspect of command. Many will contain the standing policies on how things work (or are supposed to work) within our club.

If you hold any position of responsibility in this club – be it Assistant Envoy or clan Consul, you will find these all of the manuals in the Alacrity series helpful for becoming a better leader. Both new and experienced leaders can gain something from these manuals.

Some of the methods contained within are those that we would like leaders to consider using if they do not already have a proven, reliable system in place within their clan. Even then, these documents may help to improve or revise your current system. Recently, Clan Naga Sadow has taken the initiative to utilize both of the manuals (Welcoming New Members & Clan Summit Management of Envoys), working to supply their new members with coordinated efforts on behalf of their Envoy system and leadership. I think this is a great example of how to apply these documents. Kudos to Xanos and Muz.

The next document, titled “Acquiring New Members,” addresses the acceptable and not so acceptable means of recruiting members into your Battleteam/House/Clan. These members are already a part of the Dark Brotherhood; we don’t discuss recruiting people from outside the DB yet, that’s another Alacrity document. You can view the PDF here: http://alacrity.darkjedibrotherhood.com/acquiringnewmembers.pdf

Dark Adept Pyralis

test blah

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