Your local neighborhood DGM


Your local neighborhood DGM

I want to start off by saying thank you to Mav for the tremendous work he has done for this club. Without all of his efforts the Brotherhood would not be in the position it is today, and I can honestly not think the best way to express our true gratitude. I would also like to thank Jac for giving me this opportunity; I intend to do my utmost not to disappoint. I know some of you may think you figured out my ingenious plan of resigning from Consul to take DGM…but I had actually decided on resigning when the RoS started, and the DGM decision was made just yesterday, sorry to burst your conspiracy bubbles!

Moving on, you will notice that this news post is titled, “Your local neighborhood DGM”. I choose that title carefully, because that is exactly what I want to be. During my time as a leader in the Brotherhood, I’ve found that accessibility is the issue more critical to success. So that will be my motto – accessibility to everyone. Want to talk to me about something? Or do you have an idea about the Brotherhood? Is something bothering you? Whatever the issue is – talk to me. I don’t care if you just joined us yesterday, or if you’ve been here for ten years, I want to hear from all of you. If you think I might bite you…ask people who know me (and why don’t you know me?), they’ll tell you I only bite occasionally. Finally, to make talking to me easier, here is all my contact information:

IRC Nicks: Kir, Kir|Away

(I’m always in #db, and often in all the Clan channels as well, usually on IRC at night)

AIM Screenname: DGMKirKatarn

(I am usually signed on even if I’m not around, you can leave me messages)

Email Address: Whites11783 at

(I check my email multiple times throughout the day, I should reply within 24 hours)

_Hunting me down in real life to talk: _Please don’t attempt this.

Also I thought I would give you all a taste of what I’d like to start working on as DGM. I’m currently involved with many projects I inherited from Mav, as well as new ones. I want to finish the Brotherhood’s Dominion page, so we can all have a useful resource for our fictional place in the Galaxy. I also plan on looking over the ICTE information with Pyralis and work on making those more fun and appealing, as well as contributing what I can to the Alacrity project. I also plan on working with the Clan summits on increasing communication throughout our organization – along with an eventual smooth Rebirth transition. After my initial projects are complete I plan on beginning my “IRC Campaign” – which I’ll talk about more later on. And also I’ll be working with some of the Dark Councilors on reforms for their positions. I’d like to add that if any of you had any on-going projects either with Mav, or just hanging out there…let me know ASAP so we can work things out.

Also before anyone asks, I am not appointing a Praetor at this point, nor am I accepting applications. Duga will remain on the DGM staff as head of interclub relations for the Brotherhood. In the future I may name a Praetor, but for now I’m not in need of one. A few other housekeeping things…I’ll post reports when I feel that I actually have some things to report (maybe I’ll get someone to make a nifty report style for me). I will also probably be announcing a small competition in the next few days as well, so be on the lookout for that.

So thank you again to Jac for this opportunity and a big thank you to everyone who congratulated me - that was very much appreciated. Now remember, I want to hear from you, so be sure to at least say hello when you see me on IRC!

Deputy Grand Master Kir Taldrya Katarn

Congr4tz Kir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111

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Grats Kir. Glad to see you finally get back to the DC. :-P

Oberst for P:DGM!

But conspiracy bubbles are so much fuuuuuun =P bursting Bubbles allowed. Tis not friendly.

Congrats Kir, and good luck... ;)

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