Announcements - Chancellor


Announcements - Chancellor

1) My thanks to SCL Grail for his new medal awarding system and general database design. Keep it up!

2) Vague medal awardings = bad! So don't be vague! I need to know why people are getting awarded.

Member: SwipeR
Medal Awarded: Dark Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
2nd place on the Dinaari Established Assault Ladder.

Member: Proton
Medal Awarded: Steel Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
Outstanding service to House Tridens and Clan Tarentum as a whole. Proton has put forth a consistently grand effort to keep his House alive and active with various competitions. His assistance to the leaders of Tarentum has been invaluable and he is an asset to the Clan.

Member: Den Darkhill
Medal Awarded: Dark Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
Winning back his title as Commander of the Elite Ruby Flight (Consul's Falcon) from DJK CrimsonAngel

Member: Shadow
Medal Awarded: Dark Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
Winning the Procon's RTFR Competition, Season II - Yacks

Member: Grant
Medal Awarded: Bronze Scroll
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
Continuous and quality posting on the message boards, and encouraging others to do the same

Member: Timbal
Medal Awarded: Steel Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
For dedication and loyalty, service to House Acclivis Draco that goes beyond what is usually required from a 'mere' Rollmaster. Made changes to House Reports that have been copied now by all the rest of the Krath Houses.

Member: Saitou
Medal Awarded: Steel Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
For designing, creating and updating the House web-page long after his reign as Aedile ended.

Member: Cymbre Kall
Medal Awarded: Dark Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
Leading her Phyle with great enthusiasm and giving encouragement.

Member: Cymbre Kall
Medal Awarded: Bronze Scroll
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
For consistant quality post on the message boards in discussion topics and run-ons.

Member: Alisande Sayeesa
Medal Awarded: Dark Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
For excellent leadership of Drynwyn's Flame, the elite Phyle of Acclivis Draco.

Member: Bob-Fett
Medal Awarded: Dark Cross
Date Awarded: 10/26/2001
Reason for Award:
For his work on the Kressh Kronicles over the past few months where he has compiled a great deal of our history and assembled a considerable amount of valuable information for future use.

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