Dalthid and I have talked about how to handle Echani in the ACC and after several emails have decided that it will fall entirely under the discretion of the CoG. Anyone who wants to learn Echani has to talk to me first.
Fictionally, the Commander of the Guard is the only true Echani master in the Dark Brotherhood. And while knowledge of Echani is certainly obtainable elsewhere in the galaxy, the likelihood of finding another Echani master willing to train you is slight to none.
Echani is an extremely brutal martial art. Every single move is lethal. Every blow landed is a killing blow. Which is one of the reasons that practicing Echani is illegal in most civilized star systems. And why it's so necessary that we regulate it within the Dark Brotherhood.
So here are the requirements for learning Echani:
1) Current/Former member of the GMRG (rank Sentinel I or higher).
2) Current/Former CoG or Guard Captain.
3) Anyone obtaining special permission from the CoG (all you have to do is ask).
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Thanks for posting this - got home late...
Yep - it's a fact - and also includes current requests. Those who have been trying to get your stuff through me - slam on the brakes and go to the CoG.
Not saying I plan to use Echani or anything, but now all ex-CoGs have the ability to use it without the additional "fictional" reasons attached?
I got permission last time this question was raised in the ACC - do I need to apply again, or does the permission get transferred across?