I'm sure some have noticed a new club listed under the alliances list on the left. The Imperial Directorate is the newest ally of the Brotherhood.
The Directorate was part of the EH until earlier this year. They have always been focused on fiction writing, but from what I've been told they are looking into opening up to more games and such. Their membership has been small and they recently changed their website by getting a new domain, a new layout, and completely updated everything. They also wiped the rosters clean to start over fresh. So far they have several signing back up to active service. I encourage the Brotherhood to check them out and if you're interested in helping them out, join up. As with all our ally, being in multiple clubs is welcomed.
They have been added to the CIR website for those that want to check that out. A link to the Directorate is listed below as well. We hope to develop future operations between our great organizations.
Imperial Directorate: http://imperialdirectorate.org/
Center for Interclub Relations: http://cir.darkjedibrotherhood.com//
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