Just shy of 15 months ago, during the final days of the Great Jedi War, I was chosen to succeed Xanos (Zorrixor) Sadow as Sith High Warrior. At the time, I was serving as Consul of Tarentum, Left Hand of Justice, a member of the Royal Guard, and Praetor to the Deputy Grand Master (who was Jac, soon to be Grand Master again). It was a time when we were all still competing, but we were all also tired of competing, and we were looking for the Great Jedi War to end. At the War's end, I resigned most of my responsibilities, and stayed on as Jac's Praetor, in addition to being Sith High Warrior.
In the past year, I've done some things, made some friends, helped some people out, pissed some people off; I've had good times and bad; I've loved the Dark Brotherhood, and then I've hated most of it. In the past year or so, I've learned that as much as I may, or may not be a leader, I don't like being an administrator as much. I look back on the past year or so with a lot of fondness, and I think it's made me a better member and leader, and hopefully, my presence has made the Brotherhood at least a little better. I'd like to hope that my servitude was acceptable, if not commendable, and hopefully even appreciated at some level. If nothing else, I always intended to serve the membership more than I served the Dark Council, so to speak. I was here for all of you, and I hope I didn't do too bad of a job.
So what's this all about? Well, I recently found out some information I had been waiting on. I sort of talked to Jac and Kir about this, at varying stages. I was working against hope, and things actually paid off. I found out today from my EMT-Intermediate Instructor that I'm all but accepted into their Paramedic program. I've got about a year to wait, during which time I'm going to be working my ass off to get some decent EMS experience under my belt, hopefully with a good ambulance service, or at least the E.R. I've mentioned to some of you, that my career goals are to train and certify as a firefighter/paramedic, and it's all beginning to pay off (school-wise, at least).
So unfortunately, because I need to really devote my attention for the next year to being prepared for Paramedic school, and the other classes I have, I am put into the position where I need to resign. Time has been stretched lately, anyway, and I knew this was a likelihood. I was trying to work against probabilities, and do as much as I could before bowing out. And as much as I don't really feel the desire to step down, I know there is a need there. Paramedic school is going to require a lot of time and energy, and if I focus on the pharmacology and the studying now, I'll be that much better off in the field as an Intermediate, but also as a student next year in Paramedic school.
Jac knows about this, and he also knows that leaves a bit of doubt as to the Sith War. He's going to have everything I have, or have worked on, and though he said he may change it up a bit, he'd like to use it as a "pre-GJW" preparatory mini-Vendetta, or something like that. So all the stuff you've been doing in preparation for it, it's not all for naught. Keep preparing, and you'll do well, and you'll be that much more prepared to kick some ass in the Great Jedi War, too.
I think I've spoken long enough, but I would like to restate that I have really enjoyed my term as Sith High Warrior, and I've enjoyed getting to know everyone I've met, everyone I've worked with, and even everyone I've pissed off, or vice versa. It may not always have been the easiest, or the best, but I hope it was worth it.
-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae
The Ghost Dragon
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Congratulations on your career, but it is indeed a sad day for the Brotherhood! Your weekly reports, which always leave room for Korras ;-) , were a treat as you often highlighted important aspects of DB culture and our outside lives. While not a Sith, I know you treated each person entrusted to your care, within your Order, with extreme respect... often doing what was unpopular to ensure your Sithies got their proper due in terms of rewards.
Good luck, God willing you will eventually return to us!
As a brother firefighter, I fully understand your decision in order to pursue your dream. As a DB member and former Sith, I regret the fact that you have to resign but I do understand. You've been a valuable asset to the Db as a whole and to far too many members to name, including myself. I am sad to see you step down but wish you the best of luck in your future career and hope to see you on the battlefield someday. I thank you for everything that you've done for me personally.
YAY BF! Thanks for all you've done- you were a great SHW.
And for the record, I read all your reports. =D And the repeated emphasis on spanking Korras and Yacks was slightly worrying, but still made me chuckle. ^_^
Good luck with the firefighting/paramedicing when it comes along Sith. You've been a great SHW (even though you never did sing even after promising it in your report!!!) and been of great help to many people, myself included.
Thanks for your time Sith :)
Ditto on what everyone said and may I formally welcome you into the former SWH club
Sad to see you go BF, you've always laughed with us and been a voice of reason whenever idiocy seemed to spring up. Having some EMS experience myself and having a brother going through the same process, I understand how challenging it actually is and wish you luck.
I am sorry to see you step down, you have served the position well. I think you are making the right decison in stepping down, far too many keep their posts when they do not have the time to dedicate to the post and ultimately the membership suffers. I too read all your reports, and enjoyed reading them. Best of luck in your career.
You smell. No really, it's almost as if you killed a fish, chopped it up into little bits, let it rock with garlic and then smeared the paste all over yourself. Smelly BF.
Anyways, thats the best I can do on short notice, good luck on the schooling dude, God knows I don't want you to be on anything but your A-game when I finally make it to your home town :P
Oh, and you rock.
It's really sad to see you step down but RL comes first. You've done a lot to improve the Sith order and the DB at large, heck you were the only one who ever made me think of changing orders. Good luck in your career making process. :)
Meh, and now who will I argue with? And I've been really looking forward to the Sith War, too. Hope whoever runs it will do the job as good.
I'd wish you luck with studying, but studying isn't much a matter of luck and we know you'll work your ass off to achieve the best.
Congratulations, and good luck!
Duuuude! :( As much as I'd hate to lose our not-quite-love/hate relationship, it's great to hear you've found the right steppingstone for your career and for life. You rock, man. And best of luck to you in your endevours. :)
Raises his Glass.
Good luck wth this opportunity, BF and you've done a fantastic job with the Order (even if you're really a Krath :P)
From killing things as a Sith to rescuing them as a paramedic-in-training. Might cost just a little effort to get used to :)
If you take it as seriously and with as much dedication as you took the Order, you'll however have no problems whatsoever. I wish you the greatest of success.
heya Bloodfyre sorry to hear your stepping down as the high sith honcho, hope everything runs smoothly when you enter paramedic school and the rest of it...
Catch you around...
Woah...didnt see that coming...but yeah we all love you Bf, good luck with the Paramedic stuff. :-)
I'll have to agree with those who said "First you kill stuff as a Sith, now you gotta save them?" I figure most Paramedics smoke like chimneys and do all sorts of unhealthy stuff. It balances out somehow. ;)
Congrats and good luck, BF.
BF, good luck with your training. I hope you obtain that which you seek.
I hope you choose to stay on and continue to assist the DB in other ways when you have the time. I'm sure Tarentum will enjoy the extra support too.
Good luck on acquiring your career dream of becoming a paramedic!
BF Sorry to see you step down, since I first joined the DB you was one of the people that I actualy interacted with that explained to me rules of the DB and for that I still am much obliged. I am happy to hear that you are achieving your goals in real life and that you look forward to the hard work and sacrifices, that in it self tells us that you will make a great Firefighter/Paramedic. Congrats!
Congratz on your RL opportunity. Hope it all works out for you.
Even thought I was only Sith for 2 days, and Krath for the last 13 months, I saw what a great leader you were. I read your reports, yes every report, and enjoyed them, although they were a bit long. :P I hope that the next SHW, who ever they may be, can fill your overly large shoes.
Good luck with everything Bloodfyre, I pray the best possible for you. That's a great thing you are going for. Thanks for all you have done for the Brotherhood as SHW.
Oh, where to stand on this? I mean, Sith was a good High Warrior, and its a loss to the Brotherhood, in a sense. But, then again, Tarentum is (re)gaining him, which is really freakin' awesome.
Sith, thanks for what you did as High Warrior. I look forward to working with you as much as possible in your return to Tarentum.
With this being said, Welcome Back to Gladius!
BF, truely.. as one of the older sith in the DB, it is with pleasure that I say one of if not the best SHW's is resigning. GL in the future and I hope to see you soon tho. Oh, come back to Tar.